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Sv: Har du redusert batterikapasitet?

Startet av Jens_Think, torsdag 17. april 2014, klokken 13:13

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Hello all,

I have installed ZEBRA Monitor 2.6.70 and Peak-CAN USB driver ( on a Win7-64 bit laptop (Thinkpad T61).
Although I can see the raw bus data with PCAN-View, the monitor software cannot find the driver and claims there is none installed.
The same happens on an older WinXP laptop.

Has anyone else had this problem and knows how to fix it?

Best regards,


Fant du noen løsning på problemet?
Har samme problemet selv nå og trenger hjelp.


Hi all,

in my experience, ZEBRA-Monitor version 2.6.x requires Peak-CAN drivers version 2.x (that is, ca. 2004 .. 2005). I have been told that the recent version 3 drivers have a different API and are not downward compatible. The available PCAN version 2 drivers (see posting by stromskap378V) are 32 bit and do not install on 64 bit systems (at least not on my Win 7 computer).
This configuration did work for me: Windows XP (SP3), "old" Peak-CAN 32 bit drivers as above, ZEBRA-Monitor Versions 2.6.0, 2.6.2.. And you should always use the same USB port :-) .
Since Windows XP is obsoleted, someone might try Windows 7 as 32 bit installation with the above setup.



I recommend using VMware and create a virtual version of Windows XP SP3, this way you do not have the older version of windows ruing as main system. it also makes possible to move from pc to pc without having to do any installation.

I do not recommend using virtualbox as this gave me some impalpable issue with the PCCAN driver for windows XP.
but I did not use much time on this as it works just fine with VMware.

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