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Startet av eSaab, lørdag 08. februar 2014, klokken 19:59

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NEVS has signed a strategic framework agreement with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL) to secure the battery supply for NEVS 9-3 EV in the Chinese market.

CATL is a Chinese leading energy storage solution provider headquartered in Ningde, Fujian, with focus on the research and development of li-ion battery (LIB) intended for electric vehicles. The company was one of the first nine battery suppliers that fulfills the domestic industrial standards and the government's requirement for EV subsidies.

"CATL's supply capacity and proven technology will allow us to shorten the lead time to the market, fulfilling both our demand in quantity and quality. Their local experience and network will eventually benefit NEVS' own customers in the Chinese market. " says Kai Johan Jiang, Chairman of NEVS.

NEVS received a total order of 250,000 EVs from Panda New Energy, an EV leasing company based in Beijing. Through NEVS 50% owned factory in Fujian, the first patch of 100,000 electric commercial vehicles have started to be delivered. The rest of 150,000 9-3 EV are scheduled to roll out from NEVS JV plant in Tianjin in 2018.
About CATL

Established in 2011, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL) is dedicated to providing effective energy storage solutions through advanced battery technology.

The company possesses R&D and manufacturing capabilities for power and energy storage battery as well as core technologies for the whole industrial chain of materials, battery cells, battery system and battery recycling. CATL was awarded the "Annual China Energy Storage Industry's most influential Enterprises in 2015".

CATL aims to provide best cost to performance services to its customers through technology innovation and product differentiation. It is one of the leading EV battery providers globally and the clear market leader in China with a large portfolio of world class customers. At the end of 2016, CATL employed over 10,000 employees worldwide.
Mikael Östlund
VP Communication & Public Affairs
Tel: 0046 5208 5100

About NEVS
NEVS' vision is to shape mobility for a more sustainable future. Core to this is a global portfolio of fully electric premium cars, mobility solutions and sustainable city offerings.

NEVS was founded in 2012 and acquired the main assets of the Saab Automobile bankruptcy estates. The company is owned by NME Holdings Ltd., Tianjin Bin Hai Hi-tech Industrial Development Area, (THT), and State Research Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SRIT).

NEVS' head office and main research and development facilities are located in Trollhättan, Sweden. NEVS' car production plant is located in Trollhättan, with a second production plant and a R&D Centre under construction in Tianjin, China, as well as a production plant in Fujian, China.
This release was sent by Cision

Kai Johan Jiang


Tesla Model 3 (reservert 01.04.2016)
Hyundai i40 1.7 crdi - 2011
OPEL Astra H 1.6 Twinport - 2005 (solgt)
Alfa Romeo 156 2.5V6 - 1998 (solgt)
SAAB 9-3 SS 1.8t - 2003 (solgt)
Lancia Thema Turbo i.e - 1987 (spiker)

Bosted: Drammen


Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Se NEVS från ett seminarium :

Obs det tar ett tag innan det startar!


Høres ut som han tror de er først i verden med elektrike biler syns jeg :o
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Sitat fra: Elmo på torsdag 02. mars 2017, klokken 18:15
Høres ut som han tror de er først i verden med elektrike biler syns jeg :o
jag instämmer, inte mycket nytt. Hoppas få bättre information om vad som kommer ut från fabriken i trollhättan och hur snart det sker?
Hittills har dom gjort 26 st testbilar i Trollhättan enl. SR (april  2016) men dom vill inte visa upp dem ännu :
Dom har nog byggt  fler bilar sedan dess.
Har även läst att det finns fler 9-3 test EVs i Kina.
En intressant detalj ur filmen dock:
Vid ungefär 34:55, ett bildspel med batterikapaciteten för 2017, 2018 och 2019.
1000 km räckvidd år 2019.

Mer om CATL :

Nya planer på Europas största batterifabrik i Sverige :

Underleverantörerna utvecklar sina produkter:

Tesla öppnar mer i Sverige kan det ha med det eventuella samarbetet?

Mer vintertestningen :

Nevs kommer på CES Asia

Enligt saabsunited  "During the last weeks the guy in charge of the social media accounts at NEVS has been repeating that they soon will show to the public what they have been working on."

Ännu ett nytt samarbete :


I juni visar dom den nya 9-3 an, sen får vi se om det bara är för den Kinesiska marknaden? (bilderna är nog från en prototyp)   :)


Litt nytt fra NEVS som kom i epost-boksen i dag:
NEVS starts City Mobility Pilot with new 9-3 series in Tianjin

Swedish-based mobility company NEVS launches a city mobility pilot program with support from Tianjin Binhai Hi-tech Industrial Development Area (THT).
The program offers car-sharing and ride hailing solutions in Tianjin city, with 15 million inhabitants. The users will get access to all NEVS 9-3 EV series. With this green technology collaboration, the ambition is to pave the way for a new type of mobility solutions for modern and sustainable cities.
NEVS will provide both electric vehicles and mobility services in this program with the new 9-3 electric vehicles.
THT, where NEVS joint venture factory and R&D are located, is one of the first Chinese national Hi-tech industrial parks. In recent years, by attracting the innovative forerunners, leading projects and international brands, THT has established itself as a role model for the high-end industrial clusters, becoming an important base for domestic science and technology development.
"We are excited by this great opportunity to develop smart, sustainable mobility solutions together with a progressive city as Tianjin, and develop them in full scale with real people in real life situations, with the vision to create a future integrated urban mobility solution", says Mattias Bergman, President at NEVS.
To extend the EV product portfolio for future mobility programs and fulfill the increasing demand for SUVs from the Chinese market, NEVS now also launches a brand new model: NEVS 9-3X SUV.
On June 7th – 9th, NEVS will display a concept of the new 9-3 series and visualize more of its future vision at CES Asia in Shanghai.

FEATURES, the new NEVS 9-3 series:

The new NEVS 9-3 series offer a high level of smart technology to enhance the in-car experience, such as WiFi hotspot, over-the-air software updates and battery management by smart-phone.
The new NEVS 9-3 series also offers a world-class filter of cabin air, "Always Clean Air Cabin" (ACAC), with a filter efficiency up to 99%. It takes less than a minute to reduce the hazardous particle levels for PM 2.5 from 500 to 50 µg/m3.
The new NEVS 9-3 series are based on more than 70 years of Saab Automobile engineering experience. This is mirrored by the outstanding driving and riding experience through low center of gravity with smart suspension geometry and tuning.
The Swedish heritage shown in both design, high safety and quality standards.
The new NEVS 9-3 series has already passed through rigorous comfort, ride and handling testing and will be launched to the market during 2018.
There are already more than 150'000 9-3 vehicles ordered, from different Chinese companies
The fleet-management portal makes it possible to track and diagnose cars on the road in distance, which will significantly enhance both the drivers' and passengers' safety and health.
300 km range
Prepared for mobility services:
Digital Car-key in smart-phone App
Fleet-Management Portal
Vehicle-control by smart-phone
The new NEVS 9-3 series EVs will be built in NEVS' China factories.

For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Fryklund
Director Communication & Public Affairs

NEVS 9-3X skal også komme. Tror denne faktisk kunne solgt litt i Norge også. Stasjonsvogn med høy bakkeklaring og forhåpentligvis firehjulstrekk.

Tesla Model X100D, levert 20.09.17

Zoe Intens 2015 (Q210)     "Solgt"


Har ikke lest hele tråden her, men skal NEVS satse på salg i Sverige?

Som stasjonsvogn og med 4x4, hadde nok denne solgt svært så greit i Norge i et par år. Har jo sett designen i noen år, men synes ikke dette så altfor gæli ut som en praktisk familiebil.


(@ jman76. Här kan man få veta när elbilarna kommer till Norge :

Intressant intervju där man säger att elbilarna kommer att se annorlunda ut än på conceptbilderna :

Kopiera och klistra inörsta-bilderna-på-nevs-9-3x-1.4314407

Teaser från Nevs och CES Asia

Nya bilder på conceptelbilarna, sen får vi se om produktionsbilarna ser ut så här från Trollhättan:

även på engelska

Mycket fin inredning tycker jag!
Se skarpa bilder på


Massor av bilder
:+1: :+1: :+1:

(Bilder och video från Saab Car museum festival :
Kopiera och klistra inättan/tusentals-levde-ut-sin-villkorslösa-kärlek-till-saab-1.4357240)

Nevs söker personal (mjukvaruingenjörer, verktygsmakare, beredare, produktionsteknisk och underhållspersonal mm.) Copy and pasteödhet-prognos-29-000-väntas-få-jobb-1.4362832

Även andra jobb

Video på 9-3 och 9-3 x från CES

Bättre bilder på 9-3x (profil och bakifrån)

Nytt avtal + anställer nu bilbyggare för att tillverka karosser :

Elbils seminarium under almedalsveckan på Gotland :

Förproduktion på gång?

Rätt teknisk spec??

Apple utvecklar batterier med CATL?

Undrar vilka som kommer först ut från Trollhättan någon av dom här fyra (2018?),9-3 eller 9-3x?
(Publicerad 11 december 2015)

Mer om CATL
Enligt så har man startat med att börjat tillverka karosser.  :+1:
Samtidigt jobbar Underleverantörerna hårt.

Enligt Falköpings tidningen så tillverkar man förseriebilar, men man säger inte med vad och var någonstans. Vidare är det många bud om tidtabell för seriestart.


BMS (på italienska)

Anställer nu också i Kina

Foton från den nya fabriken i Kina

NEVS har supportat  teamet som deltar i Bridgestone world_solar_challenge i Australia.

Ny investerare och kunder

;D ;D
enl. , tidigare produktion i Trollhättan och större volymer.

Laddnings nätverk

Mer bilder från nya fabriken där man snart skall starta produktionen?

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