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Sv: Lading av elbil - 10A vs 16A

Startet av Lars C. Krogenæs, fredag 10. oktober 2008, klokken 10:17

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Lars C. Krogenæs

Frédéric Vergels
AVERE Secretary-General:

Dear EV colleague,

The initial floor plan for the EVS-24 exhibition is now sold out.

In view of this success and in order to allow presence of other important missing actors, the EVS-24 Organization Committee has decided to make extra also excellent space available.   Please contact the EVS-24 Secretariat as soon as possible since the additional available space is limited.  Go to and click on Exhibition for further information and application/booking.  No further extension will be possible.

This sudden passion is totally in line with today's concern for clean mobility and guarantees that the symposium will get highest attention and visibility than ever.  A never before reached number of abstract has already been submitted at this stage.

Should you not have done so, to reach all parties interested in the field, from researchers to market, from manufacturers to politicians, please log on today to and submit your paper proposal before 1st November 2008

Participants in the Viking rally should check details to be published at the website.

Frédéric Vergels
AVERE Secretary-General

European Association for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles aisbl/ivzw c/o VUB-FirW-ETEC Bd. de la Plaine, 2 - BE 1050 Brussels Tel +32 2 629 23 63 - Fax +32 2 629 36 20

Tror EVS-24 kommer på et tidspunkt, der det vil bli mye spennende, fra de aller fleste store bilfabrikanter, samt også fra våre 2 hjemmelige produsenter.

Jobber med hjemmelading hos Circle K.

Den elektriske automobil vil seire
Mars 2017: Leaf 30 kwt
2013-2016: Mitsubishi imiev
2007-2012: Citroen Saxo el
2007: Kewet med NiCd batterier
1996-1998: Utleie av Pivco, Statoil Fornebu

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