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Sv: Langtur 2 juledag

Startet av BauDemo, fredag 27. desember 2013, klokken 17:30

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What is the best or easiest way to remove one of the 3 buttons below the heating controls?
The buttons there are "assistance", "windscreen heater", "hazard".
On the old think one could access the space behind after removing the stereo - what is the best way to remove them on the new Think?
nikometer? -


I'm not sure if my suggestion is the best one, but it will for sure make it easy to remove/replace the button.

While disassembling the heater control panel for bulb replacement i noticed it would be an easy job to remove/fix any of the three buttons. Also if one would need to rewire (for some reason).
The procedure with removing the stereo, the black inner bezel and a few screws takes only a few minutes. Then one have to fiddle with the heater control panel for a few minutes. In total I think that maybe is the easiest way.

Otherwise, you need a special tool to loosen the button hooks.
Do you plan to remove it with a blank (like on gen2-pcu cars)?
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Actually of one only want to exchange them with "anonymous" plain buttons (remove the "assistance" text) one can pop off the front of the button (or even pull out the outer part of the button), I accidentally did this a few days ago, while crawling through the car :P

Dunno where you can get hold of new fronts tho, but i guess they are from some Ford car?

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