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Sv: Takstativ evt hengerfeste

Startet av Helge, mandag 25. november 2013, klokken 15:02

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Pera L

Hi Helge and Elmo! May be is easy to take "engine on" voltage from power steering relay just right side of the engine compartment battery box, grey relay, rounded. Opposite from green/yellow is 12V which goes to the ps relay's coil. Relay connector is quite tight but it opens. I think it can stand led-running lights but not more. But you can put extra relay and take drive for the coil from there.

Pera L


Sitat fra: Pera L på mandag 24. mars 2014, klokken 21:39
Hi Helge and Elmo! May be is easy to take "engine on" voltage from power steering relay just right side of the engine compartment battery box, grey relay, rounded. Opposite from green/yellow is 12V which goes to the ps relay's coil. Relay connector is quite tight but it opens. I think it can stand led-running lights but not more. But you can put extra relay and take drive for the coil from there.
Is this a grey relay quite close to the water filling niples? I have planned for using a separate relay (driving light relay) anyway so I do only need mA and not A for the relay coil. Using the parking lights as the second signal to the relay coil and a diode in series from 12 V signal with "engine on/power steering on" towards parking light wire.... the "logics" should be:
1. Lights (manually) on and "engine on" = LED driving lights off (12 V both sides of relay coil)
2. Lights (manually) on and "engine off" = LED driving lights off (diode blocks current from turning on relay)
3. Lights off and "engine on" = LED driving lights on
4. Lights off and "engine off" = LED driving lights off (0 V both sides of relay coil)

2001 Peugeot 106 Electric (hvit) arvet batteripakken til 1998-modellen
2003 Saxo Electrique (sølv)
2003 Saxo Electrique (hvit)
Ex: 1998 Peugeot 106 Electric (grønn) Ny batteripakke i 2009

Pera L

Hi again! Yes, it's just near the watering "nipples". I have taking out the wires from the socket, cut out isolation tape where the wires comes out. Reason was to cut off power steering via interior switch when not needing. But anyway, there comes 12V only when "ignition switch" is on. Power steering takes some 10-40A depending needed power so it's take kilometers away from driving distance. But with switch you can put it on when needed like parking situation. Unfortunately my wife using PS all the time.... but there must be something which is bigger than life... as the whole womans are...

I have connected running lights between parking and low beam. So they are on when I put parking lights on and also high beam but it doesn``t matter.

If you pointed for long driving distance I strongly recommended to cleanup the front brakes and check out toe-in/out. Berlingo and Partner it must be +-0 degr/mm but not sure about Saxo/P106. Must measured friction sometime when I have extra time. If there is something wrong with those you will be surpriced after repair.

Best regards
Pera L


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