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Sv: Legge opp lading på jobb for flere biler..

Startet av eltransbg, torsdag 07. november 2013, klokken 22:20

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We take two Saxo's 3-4 weeks ago.
We prove them with 10 starter batteries (x12V each) and the cars are in good condition.
But there are without the battery boxes.
Searched in the forum - no result, because I opened this new topic.
(sorry for using english - do not know your language :( )
Can someone help me and write me about the dimensions of the front and rear box.
We have to make them as the original boxes.
Attaching one picture of the boxes, found in the forum.

Thank you!


Arne Magnus Berge 90608080
17' Model X90 med alt     19' Tesla Model 3 LR
Vectrix VX-1 med Leaf lithium-ion
Daglig leder hos Euromatic AS


Yes, we need them, but we thinking we can make it more easy than if we have to pay for the delivery :(
If you can suggest how to get them, we are in Bulgaria...


I can send you boxes from Poland to Bulgaria if you want.
I have plenty of spares including whole Peugeot 106 and Berlingo, batteries, motors, and all other electrique parts :) greetings!

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