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Startet av Maartensommer, mandag 04. november 2013, klokken 09:38

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Leste på nett at Tesla hadde et presse og fan treff på Westfield Mall i UK i går.  I den forbindelse ble det visstnik nevnt at Tesla flytter HQ fra London til Norge.  Noen andre som har noe mer utfyllende informasjon om dette?


Har hørt Elon Musk si at de skulle flytte til Holland, men det er nå en stund siden nå.
TMS og eGolf.


Tilburg i Nederland er vel sagt skal være Europa hovedkvarteret.
Norge hadde vært et merkelig valg, utenfor EU og i utkanten av kontinentet.


Tesla moves European headquarters to Amsterdam 

Tesla Motors is to move its European headquarters from Maidenhead to Amsterdam this year, as part of ongoing expansion ahead of the launch of the Model S executive car and Model X SUV.

The decision means the California-based electric vehicle manufacturer will have its entire European operations run from the Netherlands, with the region's import and distrubition centre located at Tilburg,  around 70 miles away from Amsterdam.

Tesla's European fleet team will be based at the new facility in the city's Zuidas district, while parts, servicing and final assembly will take place in Tilburg, and the existing operation in Eindhoven will continue as before. The first deliveries of the Model S in Europe are scheduled for July of this year, followed by the Model X (pictured) in 2014 or 2015.

George Blankenship, Tesla Motors vice president of worldwide sales and ownership experience, said: 'Tesla and the Netherlands share a similar vision surrounding energy sustainability and a clean future for generations to come," said "We're thrilled to base our final assembly, distribution, service, sales and operational headquarters in the Netherlands and look forward to many years of great relationships with our business and governmental partners, and most importantly, our Dutch customers.'

During 2013, Tesla will open retail stores throughout Europe, including new locations in London, Frankfurt, Brussels and Amsterdam, with more planned for 2014. Meanwhile, service centres will open in Geneva, Frankfurt, Brussels, Hamburg and Vienna, the manufacturer said.
Model S. P85, Signal rød.


Jeg hadde kontakt med en " HQ Product expert " for et par dager siden. Adresse Amsterdam...
så det løpet er vel kjørt
solgt S85 - solgt S85D - bestilt model 3 - reservert model Y -kjører X75D

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