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Sv: Importere Leaf fra Europa?

Startet av Lynet, tirsdag 24. september 2013, klokken 17:42

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Har en feil med bryteren i venstre dør, den styrer taklys og skal hindre bilen i å låse seg hvis døren åpnes etter bruk av fjernkontroll. Mitt taklys virker ikke og bilen låser seg hvis jeg går inn og ikke setter på tenningen.
Har noen reparert denne bryteren?
Ser på side 27 i verkstedhåndboken for karosseri at den sitter i selve dørlåsen, men er den skiftbar eller justerbar?
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


I'm also interrested having the exact same problem.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


There is a microswitch inside the lock, but i dont know if it is changeable.

The lock is from a Mondeo, so you can probably Google the problem :)
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Today I extracted the switch controlling the interior light from the drivers door. The pass side works fine.
As you can see its a microswitch with a piece of cable with its own number in the plastic. The thingy inside the rubber part is both stuck, bent and corroded.
Tomorrow I'll go to Ford and ask what a new one costs.

Please note that this switch is only controlling the interior light and has nothing to do with the lockin/unlocking of the doors.

Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


If all else fails, and an original switch turns out to be expenseive, I think it should be no problem retrofitting a cheap standard switch like this one or something similar:
Tesla Model S75D 30/6/17
Tesla Model S85 26/3/14-30/6-17, 82500km
Leaf 9/5/12
Think City, Har ACTIA diagnoseapparat.
Sykkylven (Sunnmøre)


The confussion grow's.
I have been running all summer with the interior lights (il) off due too the light Nordic summer but know autumn is here and when I took out the light switch from the door lock I also turned the il on to test.
To my amazement the il works, even with the switch laying on the floor !
When I remotly unlock the car the il goes on.
When I open the door, if unlocked before, the il goes on.
When I open the rear door the il goes on.
When I close the door the il fades out after a time-out.
When I turn on the ignition the il fades out.

I have only found one situation where the switch makes any difference and that is when the ignition is on and I open the door. Then the il does not go on.
I think I can live with that.

Before I realized the whole situation above I went to the local Ford dealer to order a switch according to the pictures above. I explained it was a Mondeo door lock but it was in a Think so giving him my registartion number would not help him find the switch. He was looking in the data for some minutes and then announced that the switch is avaliable, but not in Sweden, so it will take about a week to get it here from Germany. The price would be SEK 270. A fair price I thought, before realizing the whole situation as described above.

After about an hour I had a phone call where the spare parts guy explained that he could not order one because the item was obsolete and coming from an old Escort !
Could someone explain this ?

Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Spurte Melhus bil om bryteren i dag, men de sa den var umulig å skaffe!
Kan du finne ut hvilken Escort det var fra, og eventuelt delenummer?
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Delenumret kan du läsa direkt på brytaren i bilden ovan. Det var det eneste numret som delemannen på Ford använde.
Dessvärre sa han bare att den var till Escort, inget annet. Men slik information borde gå att få i Norge också, väl ?
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Dette ble løsningen:
Taklyset kommer på og bilen låser seg ikke etter 30 sekunder  :)
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Heres what my "microswitch" looked like when I opened it up.  As you can see the sliding metall part has partly burned to the pcb and the pcb itself is heavily oxidized.
I have no idea how to remove the pin sticking out. its to thick to go into the casing and its stuck to the inside of the switch so it cant go out.  :o

I have no idea what is holding the "microswitch" stuck in the case except for the pin. To open it I cut it apart bit by bit with the idea I could glue it together later.
It should be possible to put a normal microswitch there instead.

Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg

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