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Startet av BauDemo, onsdag 17. juli 2013, klokken 20:30

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Went out to K-Rauta and both all the items that are needed for the bleeding device.
Here is a photo where all the part nr. are seen too.
Hopefully it helps someone.
nikometer? -


Think City 2008 (Zebra) PCU gen0 Km: 55.000 - Nytt batteri mai 2012. Jeg pendler til jobb med denne bilen 7,5mil hver vei.


Not sure I understand this. The picture in the service manual on top of page 8 is not very clear.
I think the picture shows that you insert a T-hose just after the heater. From this T is a hose going to the reservoir. Is it above or under the coolant level or does it not matter ?

If I understand your intention Nikolay you will leave the T in the car and plug the extra output with the Renspropp/Plugg when not bleeding. Yes ?
What is the purpose of the Slangkoppling to the left in your picture ? Does it have a mating "connector" anywhere ?
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Sitat fra: Poppe på tirsdag 02. juli 2013, klokken 08:27
I think the picture shows that you insert a T-hose just after the heater. From this T is a hose going to the reservoir. Is it above or under the coolant level or does it not matter ?
I don't know where the coolant level is or how to measure it.
When I connected the T, disconnected the control connector to the heater and started the heater as described in the manual, there was a lot of bubbles, some foam, and of cource after the bubbles were gone, the cooling liquid started flowing to the reservoir. This is because of the pressure in the hose after the heater. When I switched off the heating the liquid went back to approximately 2 cm above the exit of the heater.

Sitat fra: Poppe på tirsdag 02. juli 2013, klokken 08:27
If I understand your intention Nikolay you will leave the T in the car and plug the extra output with the Renspropp/Plugg when not bleeding. Yes ?
No, this is only for bleeding the circuit. I removed the whole arrangement when I was done. I am concerned about introducing more issues and not sure I know enough about plumbing to add such circuit permanently. Maybe next time. This is the first time in my life I did plumbing.

Sitat fra: Poppe på tirsdag 02. juli 2013, klokken 08:27
What is the purpose of the Slangkoppling to the left in your picture ? Does it have a mating "connector" anywhere ?
The purpose was to have some way to close the top of the bleeding pipe, so no coolant liquid will escape. I used it in the beginning when there was lots of air, but then put the pipe in the reservoir and let the coolant flow.
nikometer? -

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