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Sv: Rekkevidde

Startet av RunarBT, mandag 29. oktober 2012, klokken 11:19

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Måtte bare dele denne, fra forumet.. Dette er noke eg glede meg noke sinnsykt til når vår Model S er i hus.;-)

Steve Sanders | October 10, 2012

Sudre is right. It's not just the torque from 0, it's the ability to have instantaneous traction control. My Roadster has never been beaten stop light to stop light. Kids on Ninja's, Porsche 911 GT, Ferrari, and a 600hp hot rod. The tire speed is measured on all 4 wheels in milliseconds and the power adjusted instantaneously to the traction available. ICE motors have difficult traction control. They apply brakes, retard timing and wait for the torque and hp to calm down. A run down the track 10 times in an ICE and you get 10 different times. Your Grandmother could get 12.2's in the quarter, every time. Mash the pedal from a stop into a right turn, you go very fast, but no peep from the tires or spin out. Probably due to Elon's insistence since his McLaren F1 "incident"! Take off traction control and you will shred the tires, spin out and lose the race.

Soooo.... you can have fun every day at every stop light; 0-35 in about 2 seconds....and never get a ticket. And, no one is mad because the motor isn't roaring and the tires aren't screeching. Most of the time, you look back in your mirror and the people are still at the last light wonder what the hell just happened here or maybe taking a video! The fun you anticipate when you get your S is underestimating this car. Someday soon you will be doing an ordinary everyday drive. Everything will be going just right. The Elegance of the moment in your S will slam you, and you will wimper like a little girl at a romance flick. Can't let them see that tear. It's THAT overwhelmingly good. I'm so happy I was able to gat a Tesla or 2 in my lifetime.

Every friend and every total stranger you take for a spin in your car, you WILL give it a G Force shot. Every one of them will turn to you, look you straight in the eye, usually with their head tilted toward you and give you the biggest, happiest, most genuine grin you have ever seen. It's a "moment". You and the passenger will remember that intimate, quiet "moment". The Tesla grin. BMW M5? That is nothing. All other cars are nothing. You will look at all other cars as antiques.SpaceX too? Oh my God.


Tilsynelatende alle som tester Model S blir helfrelst. Da snakker jeg ikke om å se på en slitt og uferdig utstillingsmodell, men å kjøre eller sitte på i en ferdig produksjonsbil. Ganske vanvittig at en så fersk produsent klarer å lage noe slikt.
Mercedes EQC AMG 2020
Model Y Performance bestilt
x Tesla Model X90D 2016
x Kia eNiro 2019
x Tesla Model S 90D 2016
x Nissan Leaf mars 2012
x Model S aug 2013


Jeg kan igrunn bare bekrefte observasjonen: selv når jeg ikke tar i noe videre men bare starter opp med det jeg mener er en fornuftig fartsøkning fra rødt lys (å trykke pedalen i bånn for å demonstrere styrke er jo forsåvidt morsomt nå og da, men ikke spesielt fornuftig :D), så er alle de andre 30 meter bak meg etter noen sekunder. Dette er med Roadster, men Model S Performance vil ikke ligge spesielt mye etter i ytelse.
Tesla Roadster, 25Mm


Og jeg som synes jeg har denne følelsen i min Leaf allerede..... :o
Kan heller nesten ikke vente på min S
Sør-Trøndelag, x-Hvit Nissan LEAF, 19.01.12-13.05.13
Tesla Model S, P85+ #P12xx/VIN 14 4xx 11.09.13
Tesla Model X, 100D 17.12.2017

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