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Startet av Go-carter, mandag 16. januar 2012, klokken 22:14

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Takk for innspill og nyttige opplysninger/referanser. Lærer stadig noe nytt.

Valmet har ikke startet produksjonen av Think igjen, og kommer heller ikke til å gjøre det. Det har jeg førstehånds kunnskap om, siden jeg var hos Valmet og hentet bilen. Nå bygger de Fisker Karma og har fått en stor og prestisjefylt kontrakt på bygging av Mercedes A-klasse.

Se Valmets nettsider

Jeg har tenkt å finne ut mer om Think produksjonsserier og lover å rapportere eventuelle nye oppdagelser her.
Trondheim. Elbilist siden aug 2001. Think Classic, nå City (korte turer), Tesla X90D (lange turer).

Myles Twete

According to Valmet's FAQ page "The production of the urban electric vehicle THINK City is on hold due to the changes in the onwnership of the customer company."

So far at least, it doesn't say they won't make them again...if not there, where are these 2012 models being built (e.g. that YYC....CU900004 car noted in this forum)?

-Myles Twete, Portland, Or.
"THUNK" YYC...BU900341


To say that "Think production is put on hold" is a polite way to put it. I spoke to key people at the plant and my impression is that Think is history at the Valmet plant.

But they took the Think assignment very seriously, and put a lot of effort into making a good product. They believe electric car production will increase, and in order to show their capabilities in this field they have made their own electric concept vehicle, EVA (presently at a show in China).

Just curious - what does "Thunk" mean? (Is it a Finnish made Think - with i replaced by a U for Finland?)
Trondheim. Elbilist siden aug 2001. Think Classic, nå City (korte turer), Tesla X90D (lange turer).

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