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Hjelp til kjøp av brukt Zoe

Startet av Bgk, onsdag 13. januar 2021, klokken 19:26

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Hei, lurer på å kjøpe en brukt zoe, men kan veldig lite om disse bilene så spør om litt hjelp her😊 noen som kan si om dette er et bra kjøp??


I would say ok-ish...
But it is a Life not an intens so you are missing some options (back-up camera, parking sensors, electric windows in the back,...).
You are also not getting the "ladebøtte" which allows you to charge from a normal socket (10A Schuko) at the wall. It very often comes with the car and costs around 10KNOK new.
This means that if you want to charge at home, you will have to buy one yourself, or have a Type 2 charger which delivers TN current, which is not common here around Oslo (unless you have a brand new house and 400V). You have several alternatives to install such a charger/transformer of you have IT at home.

On the plus side, low mileage. But the car is 2 years old so it would be interesting the SoH of the battery.
2022 Megane Iconic (Aug 2024 - present)
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - Aug 2024)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


One thing I forgot to mention is that the car has a 92 HP engine, not the newer 100 HP one which is common for the models from late 2018.
2022 Megane Iconic (Aug 2024 - present)
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - Aug 2024)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)



Med denne som referanse, kan du sjekke for private salg. Gjerne ikke like glinsende i lakken, men det er da heller ikke denne dagen etter du kjører den ut av butikken. ;)

Selger utstyr for EV lading og energieffektivisering via AS

Har for tiden Tesla S85, Smart ED, BMW C- evolution, Carver S+, Monotrazer MTE-150, Citroen C1 EVie, div. Think og PSA Classic og City 2010 model, Chin 3 hjuler Pickup, Buddy M9 samt Vectric scooter. Venter på Microlino og Aptera #2246

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