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Sv: Rekkevidde på Think

Startet av El rayo, tirsdag 10. januar 2012, klokken 07:08

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El rayo

Think North America har nylig sendt et notat til alle registrerte Th!nk eiere i USA. Dette er spesiellt for USA, der de har en veggmontert boks. Det skrives at Think har en annen protokoll enn andre produsenter som bruker samme pluggen. Det skrives også at andre produsenter har en ekstra bryter innebygget i hendelen som frigjør ladekontakten.

THINK has recently become aware of a customer concern regarding the charging system
used on the THINK City electric vehicle <CUT>. It arises from a
protocol used by the THINK City vehicle that is different from that used by some
other electric vehicle manufacturers. The following describes the protocol employed
by the THINK City and what you can do to help assure equipment longevity and safe
operation during recharging.

We recommend that operators manually set the on/off switch of the wall-mounted power
supply unit to OFF before releasing the connector and unplugging the connector from
the vehicle.

The reason for this request is that in the THINK City vehicle, pushing the charge
connector latch release switch prior to unplugging the power supply connector from
the vehicle does not provide an automatic shut-off to vehicle battery charging.
With the THINK City vehicle, if the vehicle is unplugged from the wall-mounted power
supply unit when the unit is ON, it is turned OFF within 100 milliseconds following
disconnection from vehicle. In contrast, with the electric vehicles of some other
manufacturers, the battery charging process is terminated upon pushing the power
line connector release switch prior to unplugging the power line from the vehicle.

We believe that the current THINK City design poses no safety risk. It is possible,
however, that the longevity of the connectors could be affected over time by a large
number of disconnections if the power supply unit is continually left in ON while
unplugging the vehicle. Consequently, as mentioned above, we recommend that
operators place the power supply equipment on/off switch in OFF before unplugging
the THINK City vehicle.

Secondly, it is important to remember that before recharging the vehicle battery, an
operator should always place the vehicle in PARK, apply the handbrake and remove the
ignition key. Unintended movement of the vehicle while it is connected to the
wall-mounted EVSE unit could substantially damage the vehicle, the connector and the
EVSE unit, as well as pose a risk of injury to persons nearby. It is possible to
recharge the THINK City vehicle when the vehicle transmission is in a position other
than PARK, but it never should be for the reasons mentioned above.

To summarize, always follow the steps below when you recharge the battery in your
THINK City vehicle:

1. Before connecting the vehicle to the power supply unit, remove the ignition key
from the vehicle.
2. Set the handbrake.
3. Confirm that the vehicle is in the PARK mode.
4. Finally, after recharging and before unplugging the vehicle from the power
supply unit connector, set the on/off switch of the power supply unit in the OFF

The THINK City vehicle was designed in Europe where 220 volt power is standard for
homes and offices, in contrast to the 110 volt systems that are in standard for
homes and offices in the United States. Both voltage systems should be treated with
similar care and caution by persons who are knowledgeable of the basic risks
associated with electrical currents and electrical equipment. The THINK charging
system has been in use for 20 years, providing 30 million miles of on-road operation
with no significant safety or hardware reliability issues.
Oslo, kjørt 2000 Th!nk "El Rayo" siden juni 2003, nikometer siden april 2009
kjøpt på 9.500 km, kjørt tilsammen 60.000 km. Fremdeles med originalt batteri,1946.0.html

2000 Th!nk delebil "Blu", som skal på veien igjen
EL-ma Classic elassistert sykkel


Så detta selv.

For å (prøve) å forklare det kort, selv om jeg innerst inne ikke vet noe om det:

Think har jo J-blablalba standarden i USA, og ikke den blå CEE-type vi har her i Europa. Leviton leverer en vegglader til denne, og den har da antakeligvis, som nevt over, en egen standard.

I-mjau og andre har jo en mikrobryter i håndtaket som bryter ladestrømmen når denne trykkes inn. Det virker det som Think'n ikke har.

Med den norske løsningen, innbiller jeg meg at dette løses ved at styrepinnene for ladesignalet er kortere enn pinnene for AC? Slik at signalet brytes, mens det fremdeles er kobling for AC.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Kom tilfeldigvis over denne når jeg søkte på spesifikasjonen på Thinkens jordfeilbryter (se her:,4898.0.html). Slik jeg leser notatet fungerer Think med samme EVSE som andre produsenter, men at den ikke kutter "ladeprosedyren" før etter 0,1 s etter at strømmen er kuttet? Det burde vel også bety at en veggmontert EVSE (f.eks. Pod Point) vil fungere med Think?


Jepp, og som jeg sa, denne leveres av bl.a. Leviton.

Har noen bilder av den på laptopen(sitter på mobil nå)
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil



Det, derimot, et jeg litt skeptisk til.

For det første, mener jeg å huske at electrolux fant ut at pilotsignalet er unikt for think? Dvs at den ikke kan bruke evse fra psa. Men jeg er litt usikker.

For det andre, kontakten think bruker er også unik. Enten må du bytte den til j-blablabla standarden, eller så må du hugge en defekt ladekabel.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Ja, se der :-)  det er bare rart at f.eks. R&s gidder å reparere gamle evse'er, om man kunne kjøpt nye.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Var innom RS i dag og jeg tror svaret er: ingen vet sikkert utenfor Think. Noen som har kontakter i det gamle systemet? Teknikere eller lignende?


Jeg kan høre.

Forøvrig kan man sikkert prøve å kontakte Leviton, se vedlagte bilder.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil

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