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Make the Hyundai KONA electric a safer car

Startet av stvjfp1, torsdag 18. juli 2019, klokken 16:30

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The new Hyundai KONA electric, which is a fantastic car, has one safety flaw that I wish could be changed. Driving in Smart Cruise Control (SCC) and refusing to put your hand on the steering wheel - even after numerous warnings, the car simply disables the Lane Following Assist (LFA) but continues in the same speed!

This is dangerous. If the driver becomes indisposed/unconscious after activating SCC, the risk is that car will not stop until it crashes.

It would be much better solution to turn OFF the speed control, activate the Hazard Warning Flasher but keep the LFA active until the car stops if the car is not capable of detecting the driver's hand.

This should be a simple software change for Hyundai.

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