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Bli helelektrisk eller ikke?

Startet av bjuro, tirsdag 26. juni 2018, klokken 11:35

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Hei. Vil spørre om dere har noen tips. Har behov for bil nr. 2 og bestillte renault Zoe som blir helt OK for pendling og småkjøring. Har som hovedbil en Mitsubishi Outlander 2013 modell. Vi tar noen langturer per år - ca. 400-500km en vei  i Norge. Ellers bare en skikkelig ferietur til Europa x1 i året med Outlanderen. Har egentlig behov for å kjøre veldig mye x1 på sommeren. Nå kommer mange forskjellige elbiler og i-Pace ser veldig interessant ut. Derfor har jeg tenkt å bytte Outlanderen til Jaguar og bli helelektrisk. Man må akkurat finne løsning for sommerferie. Vi er ellers 2 voksne + 1 hund. Det går sikkert an å kjøre elbil og på ferietur men sikkert veldig tidskrevende og mye planlegging. På forhånd takk for innspill!  :)


The Jaguar I-Pace is a very nice car. More than enough space for two adults and a dog me thinks.

The only issue I see, when going abroad is the charging infrastructure. It's there, but not a clear standard in each country with different pay methods and in some countries you need to use an App that might or might not accept your card.
There are members here on this forum, that have traveled abroad with non-Tesla cars that might be able to elaborate more on the charging in different countries.

In Norway it's not an issue, since there are plenty of Fortum and Grønn Kontakt chargers everywhere.
Just that it will take some years still, before you get the full 100 kW fast charge capabilities out of your I-Pace. :(
Since Fortum/Grønn Kontakt are still installing new 50 kW chargers and not faster ones.
Those are still in testing phase and they have still problems with them. The new chargers are also very expensive, so they are a bit reluctant yet since there are currently no EV's on the road yet that can charge faster than 50 kW other than Tesla.
The Jaguar I-Pace will be the first coming August/September.

That is why we end up buying a Tesla Model S 75D ourselves (bought the BMW i3 first as 2nd pendling car for my wife for work) to replace our Volvo V60 end last year.
Tesla Supercharger network is everywhere through Europe. You just drive and plugin and charge and go on again without any worries. Also at 100kW charge speeds!

So you have to take that into consideration. How often do you plan to go abroad? Within Norway it won't matter what car you go for, since there are plenty alternative fast charging options and if 500-600km is the max distance, then you can get away with just one long charge stop halfway with the i-Pace, so might not be too big a deal if you have to wait 80 mins, instead of 40 mins like with our Tesla.
We drive to Vestlandet regularly (600km) and in Summer we get away with one 40min stop at Vinstra. In winter time we usually take an early 15 min stop at Nebbenes to get the battery at optimal temperature quickly for better range.  ;)
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


It is only one trip a year abroad, summer holiday in homecountry. We use car for that trip, we can take dog with us. Rest of the year we drive only in Norway.


It helps for someone with experience to chime in if you tell us which country you plan to travel to?

Plot it in the route planner and check what chargers there are along the route.
In summer time I would plan a charge stop every 200 - 250km or so, so you don't have to charge so long and can keep the battery between 20 and 80%. Charging above 80% is not recommended since it goes incredibly slow and is just a waste of time.

So if you go for the i-Pace, then you just have to investigate that there is an accessible (non-Tesla) fast charger every 200km or so along the route and you'll be fine.  :+1:
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Vi usually travel: Bodø-Gøteborg, ferry from Gøteborg to Kiel. Possibly a lot of chargers on this way. Driving from Kiel via whole Germany  - Berlin, Dresden - Czech republic - Praha, Brno and finally destination is Trnava in Slovakia. From Kiel to Trnava it is approx. 1200km.


Then I guess your main challenge will be beyond Germany then. So you have to check Czech republic and Slovakia in it's charging facilities.

When it comes to Tesla. Tesla has at least 3 Superchargers in Czechia and one in Slovakia (Zvolen).
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017



Alternativt kan derr kjøre elbil til vanlig, og leie bil til den ene turen på sommeren :)
2014 Leaf Acenta, ny i Norge.
Eneste bil i en husholdning på 5.


Jeg har også tenkt på denne måten. Å ha fossil bil bare pga. den ene turen lønner seg kanskje ikke.


Nei, det gjør det ganske sikkert ikke. Vi har vært helelektriske i over 3 år nå med kort rekkvidde biler (B klasse og C-Zero). Har leid/byttet bil 1 gang når vi kjørte til hunderfossen fra Stjørdal.
Vi regnet på det å det koster for et 5 sifferet beløp bare for å ha en bil stående for langturer-får mye leiebil for det!

Vi har selvsagt litt "el bil gnine"  at vi tar de 19 mil som en tur  og bruker lang tid (opptil 5 timer på vintern). Kan kjøre i 1 på sommeren-men legger inn mat pause uansett på 30-45 min.   Vi kjører denne turen ca 10-12 ganger pr år. Regne stykket tilsa da at vi ikke kunne forsvare å ha 2 år gammel  C4 Grand Picasso bare stående for disse turene+ sommer ferie tur som ofte blir lengre. En får mye lading og mat for ca 17000 kr som vi sparte pr år mot B klassen. Vårt regne stykket har 0 kr i bompeng og parkering lagt inn. Kun 20-25000 km kjøring pr år inkl alle kostnader for å drifte bilen utenom verditap. Andre har selvsagt andre tall når en regner på det og kan komme til annen konklusjon. Men anbefaler å regne på det.   


I would «wear and tear» a rental car, unless you stay for long in Slovakia, then the rent might grow a bit too big. It's not for free to drive your own car 3000 km.
e-up! 80'km, Leaf  90' km, e-tron 55 2020

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