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Sv: Rekkevidde E-Golf vinterstid

Startet av dibun, mandag 03. juli 2017, klokken 13:34

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I want to buy elbil but I am confused which one to buy. The options are Leaf 30kw, new egolf and Ioniq. I have tried all and as all know leaf is still based on 6 yr old technology as not much has evolved except facelifts. VW is in their 2nd gen and Hyundai is in their first.

I am also interested to know how will be their 2nd hand market value if I sell it after 1-2yrs. I guess VW will hold most of it's value.


You will find a lot of info related to this in the threads related to each car, both second hand prices and tech info as well as user experiences.

Sitat fra: dibun på søndag 23. april 2017, klokken 11:32
I want to buy elbil but I am confused which one to buy. The options are Leaf 30kw, new egolf and Ioniq. I have tried all and as all know leaf is still based on 6 yr old technology as not much has evolved except facelifts. VW is in their 2nd gen and Hyundai is in their first.

I am also interested to know how will be their 2nd hand market value if I sell it after 1-2yrs. I guess VW will hold most of it's value.


Difficult to give a answer, much depends on taste. The Leaf is the cheapest, but also the oldest. Both Golf and Ioniq are brilliant cars, so just pick the one you likes the most!
- 2015 VW E-Golf

- 2017 Tesla Model S75D


Golf has bigger battery than Ionic but a smaller fast charger. The specs of Ionic is impressive but since the market of Ebil is changing so fast the question is which car will hold it's value after 1-2years Golf or Ionic?


Golf is the sure bet for value. It is so established as a brand that no one can compete.


If you could wait a little bit I think that will give you a lot more options!
Ampera E is coming, Ioniq and maybe Soul with new battery from summer this year.
When the above comes with new range I think both VW eGolf, BMW i3 and maybe Nissan Leaf need to drop their prices to be able to sell at all.(forgot to mention Model 3, but only God knows when this is coming ;D)
So just before summer is the time you should consider to buy is my opinion!
P.S. The existing 1st & 2nd gen of last years cars will even drop more on if you wait :+1:
Grå BMW i3 I01 2014-modell i daglig bruk i Kristiansand
Hvit i-Miev 2012-modell, gått 53 500 km, solgt
Grå Think 2001-modell, USA-utgave, solgt.


I'd wait until september if that's an option. Should be a new Leaf coming according to the forum.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I am thinking to lease Leaf for one year. 19990kr one time payment and 2490kr/month. How it this offer?


I have driven all three cars. I'd go with the Ioniq. The Leaf is cheap, but dated. No technology. The 2017 e-Golf is a great car, but has an excessively high price tag. The Ioniq however, is both a great car and very reasonably priced.

Electric cars are bad for second-hand value anyhow. These days, the e-Golf thas such a high original price that I think it is bound to lose very much value in its first years. Probably wouldn't be so bad if it had been more reasonably priced from the retailers.

You should also consider Opel Ampera-e. It has a great range, which will surely count a lot when selling it one day.
Superfornøyd eier av en Tesla Model 3 siden mars 2019.
Long Range, AWD, blå, premium svart interiør, 19" Sport (sommer) + 18" Aero (vinter), AP + FSD.

Bydue 3.0 - el-sparkesykkel og hobbyprosjekt
Segway Minipro - selvbalanserende ståhjuling. Ta kontakt hvis du kan mekke kjettinger og snøplog til denne! 😂


Sitat fra: Vesel på onsdag 26. april 2017, klokken 11:58
I have driven all three cars. I'd go with the Ioniq. The Leaf is cheap, but dated. No technology. The 2017 e-Golf is a great car, but has an excessively high price tag. The Ioniq however, is both a great car and very reasonably priced.

Electric cars are bad for second-hand value anyhow. These days, the e-Golf thas such a high original price that I think it is bound to lose very much value in its first years. Probably wouldn't be so bad if it had been more reasonably priced from the retailers.

You should also consider Opel Ampera-e. It has a great range, which will surely count a lot when selling it one day.

I agree with you so that's why I am going with the leasing option. In one year I will have more options. Remember El Bil is still developing and it will long time to mature so there will be always new things coming.

Until they switch to new battery technology the only way to get more range is bigger battery and fast charging.

The market dynamics will change if govt. introduces MVA and bom from next year. I am sure most of us are using El bil because it is cheaper to run and not for the sake of environment.

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