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Sv: Erfaring med nabobil

Startet av dibun, torsdag 29. juni 2017, klokken 08:39

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I am planning to buy a EU leaf model Tekna (French or German) from a shop in Oslo (Sentral bil). How can I find out if there is heating pack for the batteries? Those cars have seat and steering wheel heating.

Thanks in advance.


I believe this is standard in gen 2

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


It's actually standard in any generation of Leaf.
However its just there for making sure the batteries don't get damaged below -20 for Gen1 or -17 for Gen2.

Heating pack for batteries on Leaf does not help regarding range.
HAIBIKE Sduro HardNine 4.0 - 2017, Model 3 RN107XXXXXX, Nissan Leaf 2012 - Webasto bensinvarmer 2015, Saxo 97 Li batteri  - 2013, Ecoride elsykkel    - 2012


Usually the heat in the steering wheel, seats and battery is in the same heat package.

I guess the heat in the steering wheel with leather, indicate if there is battery heater or not. It might be different with 30kwh battery.

The cold weather package was standard in North America since 2012 and not in Europe:
"Enhancements for the 2012 model year include the addition of standard battery heater, heated outside mirrors, heated front steering wheel, heated front and rear seats and rear HVAC duct."

I heard rumors that the 30kwh-battery in US does not have heater.

People say that the heat package was standard just in 1 country or 1 region in Europe.

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