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Sv: EL-Scooter (ikke moped) finnes det?

Startet av toom, fredag 23. juni 2017, klokken 17:32

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Hello elbilforum,
I haven't used this forum for quite a while and could not remember my password and username so I had to register again.
So hello again.
I am from Germany and do not speak norsk which is part of the reason for my long absence.
However I hope you 'mind me writing in English.

I have an old Think that has been giving me a headache lately. The alarm system does not work anymore and so I cant move the vehicle. I am not sure whether the remote control or the alarm system itself is the problem. Unfortunately the guy from whom I bought the vehicle does not have any information about the alarm system other than that it it a DEFA 800 series model. I do not have the pin so buying a new remote control wont be too helpful. I would like to get rid of the complete alarm system instead.
The problem is I don't know how to get to the system and how to bypass it once I found it.
Does anybody know
1. How to locate the alarm system?
2. What needs to be disassembled to get to the alarm system?
3. how can I bypass the alarm system?

Any help will be highly appreciated.


Hi Thomas, here is the description on how I remember it. More than 15 year since I worked with this issue.

1. How to locate the alarm system?
The connector for the alarm system are located in top/front of the heater assembly underneath the dashboard.
It is on the harness branch that ends up at the inertia switch that is locatet on the right A-post. To find the connector for the alarm system just follow this branch, first you have a takeout to heated screen and the next is a white 6 position AMP faston connector.

2. What needs to be disassembled to get to the alarm system?
If you are an acrobat I think you are able to reach it without taking apart anything

3. how can I bypass the alarm system?
To bypass the system you need to make 2 short jumpers.
Disconnect 6 pin connector and mount the jumpers according to the following.
One should be connected between pin 1 and 2, the wires should be brown and the other should be connected between pin 3 and 4, blue respective white wire.

For more information please check the schematic on elbilwiki. The pin 1 and 2 is on page 7 "Startsperre Relé A", pin 3 and 4 is on page 5 "Startsperre Relé B"

Good luck

Think City 2010, Lithium


Hello Aurba,
thank you very much for your help.
I guess I am not so much of an acrobat, i could not find anything :-)
I guess I did find the inertia sensor but as far as I managed to follow its cable there was nothing to see or feel.
I guess the problem starts now at the question:
How do I remove the dash board?


I did find it. I had to remove the dashboard though. There was no way to get to the connector without that wonderful work :)
I do have one more ignorant question if i may.
Do I have to reconnect the alarm unit after i installed jumpers between pin 1,2 and 3,4?
Or can I keep the 6 pin connector disconnected from the alarm unit and maybe remove the complete alarm unit?
I saw that it consists of two units: one with the 6 pin connector you mentioned and another one to which the LED and alarm sensors appear to be connected.
Thanks again for your help,


And another hurray.
It works!!!
I jumped the cables and tried without re connection of the alarm unit and I could move the Think again.
Now I have to get all the loose arts together.
The question remains if   can remove the complete alarm system.
Do I disable other important functions than the alarm by removing the alarm system?
Thanks for the very useful help!!!!!!!!!!!


Sitat fra: toom på søndag 16. april 2017, klokken 18:37

I do have one more ignorant question if i may.
Do I have to reconnect the alarm unit after i installed jumpers between pin 1,2 and 3,4?

Seems like you already have the answear, but anyway:

No, by installing the jumpers the alarm should be disconnected from the start inhibit function that avoid starting the car by the alarm
Think City 2010, Lithium


Sitat fra: toom på søndag 16. april 2017, klokken 19:30
And another hurray.
It works!!!
I jumped the cables and tried without re connection of the alarm unit and I could move the Think again.
Now I have to get all the loose arts together.
The question remains if   can remove the complete alarm system.
Do I disable other important functions than the alarm by removing the alarm system?
Thanks for the very useful help!!!!!!!!!!!

I belive so!
If you have any issues please look at the Think wiring diagram and Installation manual in the link below to see how it is connected to the rest of the system:
Think City 2010, Lithium


I guess I got it all sorted out now. Thanks again for your help.
Anyone interested in a DEFA alarm system?  :)

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