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Startet av Rio, fredag 21. mars 2008, klokken 08:18

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SitatA123Systems Signs Production Contract for Think Electric Vehicles

GENEVA and WASHINGTON - March 5, 2008 - GE (NYSE: GE) announced it is ramping up its efforts to enable global electrification of transportation by investing in Norwegian electric car manufacturer Think, which unveiled a five-seat crossover concept car in Geneva today. To power its vehicles, Think has signed a commercial supply agreement with lithium-ion battery manufacturer A123Systems. GE is in a unique position to help both companies commercialize technology to make electric transportation practical and affordable.

Think presented its investment relationship with GE in Geneva at the 78th International Motor Show, where it unveiled a new platform concept for larger electric vehicles: The crossover TH!NK Ox is an electric five-seat car close to the size of a sport utility vehicle but lighter and more aerodynamic. Also in Geneva, the company launched to the market the TH!NK City, a plug-in electric car with over 100 miles range.

GE announced its electric transportation investments at the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference. The commercial supply agreement with A123Systems provides Think with patented NanophosphateTM lithium-ion batteries for the TH!NK City, now in production at the company's factory in Norway. Think is delivering its first cars in Norway, with international sales to follow later in the year.

A123 is now drawing on the research and technology development expertise of GE Global Research in Niskayuna, New York. The joint research will support A123's battery development, including batteries for Think's vehicles.

GE Energy Financial Services announced it has invested in A123Systems to help the company roll out batteries for Think. GE is now A123's largest cash investor, having put more than US $20 million into the company. In addition, GE disclosed it has invested US $4 million in Think Global, the Norwegian holding company that makes the electric cars. The investments were made by GE Energy Financial Services' recently expanded seven-member venture capital group -- with offices in Stamford, CT, San Francisco, and Munich, Germany. That group has invested nearly US $100 million in 12 companies during the last 18 months.

GE Energy Financial Services and GE Global Research are backing electrification developments in the transportation sector. This is part of GE's ecomaginationSM initiative, the company's commitment to help its customers meet their environmental challenges while expanding its own portfolio of cleaner energy products.

"Our work with A123 and Think taps GE's unique combination of venture capital, engineering, process and commercial expertise to help burgeoning, next generation technology companies bring their innovative products to market," said Kevin Walsh, Managing Director and leader of renewable energy investing at GE Energy Financial Services.

Added Mark Little, Senior Vice President and Director of GE Global Research: "Our researchers are improving energy storage and conversion technology as the key enabler of our founder Thomas Edison's vision of electricity as a viable propulsion system for vehicles, ranging from automobiles to industrial vehicles and locomotives."

A123Systems' President and CEO David Vieau commented: "The GE Global Research Center has been working with A123 on the development of safe and reliable battery-powered transportation, and this has allowed us to accelerate delivery of advanced battery solutions to Think. Our newest collaboration with Think helps us achieve the large-scale production of batteries and integrate them into commercially available electric vehicles."

Speaking at the Geneva auto show, Think CEO Jan-Olaf Willums said: "We see many important opportunities emerging from our new relationship with GE. This relationship will help Think - the manufacturer of the first highway-approved electric car in mass production - to stay at the forefront of electric vehicle technology."

GE's research includes a US $5.6 million US Energy Department contract to develop smaller, lower cost, higher performing hybrid drivetrain motors for hybrid electric vehicles. In addition, GE is working on a US $1.2 million project to develop advanced high temperature, high energy density capacitors. GE researchers are also engaged in a US $13 million project with the US Federal Transit Administration and other industrial partners to build a prototype lightweight, battery-dominant zero emissions hybrid fuel cell bus.


VW e-GOLF 2015
Nissan Leaf 2012
VW Golf CityStromer 1995, 1995, 1997, 1998 - (solgt).


Think tilbyr 3 batterialternativer på sin nye hjemmeside:
MES DEA – Zebra, 28 kWh sodium,   rekkevidde 170 km    vekt 245 kg
Enerdel,               26 kWh Li-ion,    rekkevidde 180 km    vekt 260 kg
A123,                  19 kWh Li-ion,    rekkevidde 130 km    vekt 260 kg
Hyundai Ionic.
Tidliger mange år i PSA klasiker.


Artikkel fra

Enova Systems announced that it has received a production contract to provide a minimum of 1,000 Power Control Units (PCU's) to Th!nk Global in 2008, for use in their electric vehicle passenger car, the Th!nk City. Future production ambitions for the Th!nk City are expected at a minimum of 10,000 units in 2009.

Enova's PCU is a critical component of the vehicle's power system, converting and regulating high voltage power to lower voltages where and as required. Enova's module transfers power throughout the drive system and assists in energy recovery during regenerative braking, extending the overall range of the vehicle. The source of propulsion power is therefore transparent to the driver, allowing him to concentrate on normal vehicle operation.

Ser ut som Think Global satser stort. Hva er en PCU i forhold til våre biler? Motor kontroller? inverteren?? Ken
Kristiansand. Think City  105K 2001. Kjørt i to år. Ex Postens Think, 50K. Tidligere styreleder for Agder Elbilforening. Den ble til en lokallag av den Nasjonal Elbilforeningen hvor jeg har hatt forskellige verv. Kjøre 1. gen Leaf nå.


Er det noen som vet om Think tar samme leie og grunnpris uansett hvilken batteritype man velger?

Og hvordan vil det bli med leveringstid på de forskjellige typene?

Ut i fra opplsningene fra Griffel er Enerdel det beste valget, men holder de like godt som Zebra??
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Noen som kan forklare at Enerdel som veier mer og lagrer mindre energi enn Zebra greier lengre rekkevidde?????

Selger ladeutstyr via AS

Har hatt trimma City El, Citroen AX elektro
Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

Daglig leder i

El rayo

Sitat fra: elektrolux på lørdag 10. mai 2008, klokken 19:05
Noen som kan forklare at Enerdel som veier mer og lagrer mindre energi enn Zebra greier lengre rekkevidde?????
Zebra bruker vel en del energi til å kjøle eller varme batteriet? Eller kanskje det er en tyrkleif?
Oslo, kjørt 2000 Th!nk "El Rayo" siden juni 2003, nikometer siden april 2009
kjøpt på 9.500 km, kjørt tilsammen 60.000 km. Fremdeles med originalt batteri,1946.0.html

2000 Th!nk delebil "Blu", som skal på veien igjen
EL-ma Classic elassistert sykkel


Sitat fra: elektrolux på lørdag 10. mai 2008, klokken 19:05
Noen som kan forklare at Enerdel som veier mer og lagrer mindre energi enn Zebra greier lengre rekkevidde?????

Antagelig er det en feil, nå er også opplysning om kapasitet, vekt og rekkevidde for fjernet for begge Li batteri typene fra spesifikasjons siden.
Kanskje er Li batteriene såpass mye "framtid" at dataene var usikre.
Hyundai Ionic.
Tidliger mange år i PSA klasiker.


På Wikipedia om A123 Systems finn eg fylgjande overraskande opplysning:

"After over $10 million in investment in the Think Global Think City, A123 ceased production of its L20 battery pack for Think after a single day of production in December, 2008."

Kva i all verden var det som hendte her??
Dette er heller ikkje kommentert på nokon måte i boka "Elbil på Norsk".
Kan det ha noko med at rekkevidda vart for kort, med same vekt som Enerdel - men visste ikkje Think det då kontraktene vart inngått?

Kor mange biler er ellers levert med A123 battteri til Think City, er det kjent?

Think City 2010 - EnerDel Lithium

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