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Sv: Vi som venter på Ampera-e (som vi har bestilt med kontrakt)

Startet av photonix, mandag 09. januar 2017, klokken 18:50

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I have a massive problem with my ThinkCity A306 with ZEBRA battery:
The system reports error category 4: "Ext. HV iso error detected".

I have bought a PCAN adapter and wanted to get detailed information over the CommTool or the ZEBRA-MONITOR . Unfortunately, I do not succeed.

Problem 1)
The CommTool always tells me "No Answer" after pressing the "Clear All Malf Code" button. Although I can follow the CAN-Bus communication nicely and all values ​​in the RAW window are listed. Furthermore, I get no values ​​listed when I load a "Master Sequence File". All values ​​remain constant at the "~". What am I doing wrong here?
(The CAN bus has 60 ohms, so the bus should be ok)

Problem 2)
I tried different Versions of the Monitor Software 2.6.2 Think, 2.6.2 Std + Think, 2.7.4 LV1, 2.7.6 LV1. No one of them gave me access to the BMI. Do I have wrong versions here or is my BMI dead? Or do I have to connect the PCAN adapter directly to the BMI and not as before at the OBD box next to the fuses? PCAN communication seems to work, only the BMI Access function does not let me into the system.

Problem 3)
MIN and MAX HV Bat Temperature:
The appendix contains the evaluation of a "Bosch KTS" system, where the MIN and MAX values ​​of the battery are exorbitantly high (> 6500 ° C). The HV battery temperature, however, is normal (yes, its cold in Austria  :) ). Where does it come from and how can I reset these MIN/MAX values? If I simulate a battery change (RESET BUTTON besides the OBD Socket), the value for MIN and MAX is retained. Do I have to remove the BMI or are these values ​​stored in the PCU? Or is there a way to reset everything back to a initial value?

Hopefully anyone can help me before I have to remove the BMI or the PCU for a detailed inspection. The error occurred after the 12V battery has gone dead. After replacing the 12V battery with a new one, the Error still remains and the car stand still. no charging no moving! (the HV battery reports 43% charge capacity).

Am very thankful for every tip.



I dont know if the commtool is the correct software to use with the Zebra, dont think so.
Zebramonitor does work but it is very precise regarding which version of the Peak driver is installed.

About your problem:
I have noticed that the Zebra battery does only keep some settings when constant +12V is applied. Normally when its working it does provide the +12V by its internal dc/dc regulator.
But when the battery gets cold the internal dc/dc doesnt work anymore so it must have an external +12V source from the car battery. But when also this +12V source is missing (cold Zebra and defective or empty 12V battery) the Zebra returns to its standard factory defaults.
It could be possible that your Zebra had some settings changed which kept it allive. But since your pack went cold and 12V battery empty it could be possible your pack killed itself by returning to factory default.

Your erratic temp values i have seen before when reading with some Bosch KTS systems.
I havent checked it myself  but the only way to be sure if these values are real is to get your Zebramonitor running.
Or sent me a dump of your pcanview so i can decode what it is saying :-)


My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)


Hi Paul,
The values should fit. Also the ZEBRAMonitor seems to work perfectly with the driver (I will still install all available drivers - there are individual drivers included with each installation package) - Thanks for the tip.

I attached the PCANView pictures.
Once per Windows 8.1 and current versions of driver and PCANViewer and once with Windows XP and old drivers - both versions give me the same values for the CAN-ID 304:
Min values from BIT 32: FF 96
MAX values from bit 48: FF 9D

Thx again for helping me :)

Orla Pedersen

The values i message H304 is not limits, they are from the sensors "T1 and T2" in the battery, and they are coded in "U.short" and resolution 0.1 degrees Celcius, (if greater than H8000 then HFF96 - HFFFF = -H0069), that is in decimal -10.5 degrees centigrade.

"I think that either your temperature sensors are faulty or your BMI is faulty, most likely the later as the sensors almost agree on temperature."

Edit: I forgot the 0.1 resolution and therefore temperatures was wery low. Corrected for "divide by ten" everything looks quite ok. And the BMI is OK concerning temperatures.

Your diagnose tool has a bug concerning negative temperatures ! And
there is no Limit temperatures in message H304 either.

Edit: Sorry-sorry, my explanation is very wrong, "U short" is of course unsigned and can't show negative temperatures. Your Diagnose tool is then right about the high temperatures, probably open circuit sensors  :(  and again this is not Limit temperatures in message H304, it is temperature sensors.
Orla Pedersen


hi Orla,
very interessting, this i didn't know (the "A306 CAN Message Definition" doesn't mention this greater as "H8000" value). -> i will disassamble the BMI for further inspection.


It mentions if it is a signed or unsigned integer, and how many bytes it cowers. This is how you should manually calculate the value of a signed short (2 bytes) :)


After I bought the original PCAN cable (ODB2-to-DB9), everything worked out. Now I can enter the ZEBRA Monitor Tool and was able to delete the ISO errors.

So far so good, battery was heated up and the temperature values are in the normal range (~265°C). However, I now get the following error:
"Charging curr too low (for 5 min)"
-> no charging of the ZEBRA battery :(

According to "DTCs-2011-06-14.xls" the PCU has a problem. Has anyone of you a similar problem? And if yes, how did you solve this?

Thx :)


The Zebra BMI monitors the direct AC line (into the BMI) and charger current output.
When the AC line is connected and the charger is supposed to be charging it triggers this error when the charger is not providing any current.
It could be possible that your charger is not getting AC power or not providing DC output.
Did you check any fuses related to the charger ?

My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)

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