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Sv: Tesla i utenlandske medier

Startet av Robert Sund, tirsdag 22. november 2016, klokken 17:01

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Robert Sund

Nesten så man kan man kan lure på om planleggerne spiller lemmings med sykelistene.

Her er det mye tragikomisk:
og mange andre.
No Right Turn

Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to tell which way a cycle path is heading. For example, some cyclists following this facility in Belgium were mistakenly turning right when they noticed the path heading into the side of a building. The clear signage eliminates any ambiguity.
Cycle Proofing

Following the latest government advice, the engineers designing the Luton to Dunstable Busway were keen to ensure that the cycle path running alongside, surfaced with the finest quality loose gravel, was fully cycleproof. By carfully designing the gaps in the frequent barriers be narrower than bicycle landlebars they have ensured a highly cycleproofed faciliity.

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