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Sv: Vi som venter på Ampera-e (som vi har bestilt med kontrakt)

Startet av slcuervo, onsdag 28. desember 2016, klokken 18:40

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Hello everybody!

First and foremost, sorry for writing in English. I don't speak Norwegian and thought it was best to be honest about it instead of faking it with google translate.

I bought a 2016 Tekna 30 kWh LEAF a few days ago, and I wonder where I can get an adapter to plug my LEAF into the blue 4 pin sockets that you can sometimes find around.

I am thinking in particular in the sockets available at Gardermoen parking P10 (some are standard schuko, but many are blue 4 pin).

Does anyone know where I can buy an adapter?




Sitat fra: slcuervo på søndag 06. november 2016, klokken 21:35
Hello everybody!

First and foremost, sorry for writing in English. I don't speak Norwegian and thought it was best to be honest about it instead of faking it with google translate.

I bought a 2016 Tekna 30 kWh LEAF a few days ago, and I wonder where I can get an adapter to plug my LEAF into the blue 4 pin sockets that you can sometimes find around.

I am thinking in particular in the sockets available at Gardermoen parking P10 (some are standard schuko, but many are blue 4 pin).

Does anyone know where I can buy an adapter?


Do you mean blue industrial three pin CEE connectors, which they do have at Gardermoen?

Your local Clas Ohlson has an adapter:

If, on the other hand, you really mean a four pin blue CEE connector, then that is possible too, but a little bit more complicated, depending on which variety.

VW e-GOLF 2015
Nissan Leaf 2012
VW Golf CityStromer 1995, 1995, 1997, 1998 - (solgt).


Ooops, you are right, it's a 3 pin CEE conector (blue color), not 4! Sorry!

Thanks for the tips! I'll see if I can find it in Clas Ohlson, otherwise I'll check elbilgrossisten.

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