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Ctek istedet for dc-dc til vedlikehold av 12v

Startet av originasia, lørdag 23. januar 2010, klokken 17:13

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Last week, I arrived at work and as usual plugged in my Elbil for charging, and the lading meter went straight to 100% and the charging light was a constant light.

I tried again, and it was the same. I thought that maybe it will be fine later, so I went to work. At the end of the same day, the battery percentage shows it was 100%, so I started the car and drove home. However, 15 minutes later while driving, suddenly the percentage dropped from 80% to 0%, and thanks goodness I saw a petrol station right in front. I drove there to charge my car for the next 3 hours before I manage to drive home again.

However after that incident, my Elbil's battery seems to be very much weaker. I used to drive from Drammen to Oslo on 50-60% of the batteries, but now for the last week, it was almost flat everytime I get to work.

I took my car for servicing last week, and the car technician told me that the battery is faulty, and I would need to bring the car to another place for getting these older Think battery.

I am afraid this is going to cost alot, and my car was just fine before. Does anyone have any good solution and suggestion what I can do, or who I can speak to to get a second opinion?


My car is charging normally up to 100% now, it just use up alot of the power.
It is a 2001 Think model.


I have not experienced the symptoms you describe. Maybe some of the other more experienced guys on the forum can have this a go.

I would suggest that the first thing to do is to find exactly what is it that is wrong with your car.
"battery is faulty" is a very generic description - did the guy say more? What is faulty? How did he discover that the battery was faulty?
nikometer? -

El rayo

I have not heard about Th!nk classic (1999 - 2002 models) that suddenly indicates 100% when put on charge.

An educated guess of what could have caused this behaviour goes as follows:
While you were driving before the faulty charge a small increase in the resistance in the battery cirquit took place. This could be either in a battery cell itself (or several cells) or in one of the connections between each 6V block, the contactor box or main fuse.

When you put the car on charge, this resistance was big enough to fool the BMS into thinking the battery was fully charged at about 160 volts.

The attached photo shows a battery pack that did not cause a fault indication. However the increased resistance in one connector in the center of the photo caused a temperature high enough to melt the surrounding plastic case. During water filling this resulted in water escaping at this point and dripping out underneath the car where it shouldn't.

Oslo, kjørt 2000 Th!nk "El Rayo" siden juni 2003, nikometer siden april 2009
kjøpt på 9.500 km, kjørt tilsammen 60.000 km. Fremdeles med originalt batteri,1946.0.html

2000 Th!nk delebil "Blu", som skal på veien igjen
EL-ma Classic elassistert sykkel

El rayo

Got a PM from another Th!nk Classic owner who has experienced that the energy meter went straight to 100% and the charging light was a constant light. Unplugging and connecting the charging cable fixed the problem in his case.
Oslo, kjørt 2000 Th!nk "El Rayo" siden juni 2003, nikometer siden april 2009
kjøpt på 9.500 km, kjørt tilsammen 60.000 km. Fremdeles med originalt batteri,1946.0.html

2000 Th!nk delebil "Blu", som skal på veien igjen
EL-ma Classic elassistert sykkel


The energy meter interpets the battery on the following creteria;

100% charge after reaching voltage treshhold of appr. 153V + 15% overcharge.

0% once Voltege is under 85-90% but self adjusting to last discharge Ahr.

This means that the most likely schenario is that your battery have lost Voltage due to a defect, and enegy meter falls to zero.

Unfortunatly this means battery pack must be removed, tested, and reconditioned, and bad cells/batteries replaced.

More bad news is that few people are competent and have the nessesary equipment to perform this job satisfactory. Its a BIG and dirty job, and not kind to shortcuts.

I do help owners as far as possible, but have fallen seriously behind on my own cars lately. may have some free capasity. If not Elmo here on the forum have bought the nessesary equipment to test the batteries. Pluto is another resurseful person who may be able to help you.

Do expect 2 months repair time, considering any less time as a bonus.

I have had a instrument developed to monitor battery condition continuously, and always recomend this to keep batteries sound after such a repair. Its also been proven that most, if not all Think cars allow batteries to drain to far down, causing damedging reverse charging of cells. Therefor do not drive car below 10-20% without some kind of battery monitoring system.   


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Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

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I have experienced exactely the same problem. I parked my Think 2001 model at apx 40% it went straight to 100 % when it started to charge, and the next day I drove to work thinking everything was fine. The light that indicates that the car is fully charged was not blinking. I drove apx 15 - 20 km and the indicator dropped from 80 to 5 and then 0. I was just outside a tunnel  :-\ 

The 12 volt battery was changed, have had some problems that can be related to this e.g clock. The car is working again. The only problem is that after this change it uses much more power then before. I drive from Drøbak to Oslo, and use about 70% one way.
These cold days I take the bus, I``m not sure I can drive 40 km without charging.

Think 2001 Classic. Kjører Drøbak - Oslo, ca 8 mil t/r, lader i Oslo. Har kjørt elbil i 6 år.


One reason it uses much more power canb be that energymeter have adjusted itself to the new capasity with maybe 5-6 cells missing.

Even on theese cold days a good batterypack should give minimum 50 km

Selger ladeutstyr via AS

Har hatt trimma City El, Citroen AX elektro
Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

Daglig leder i


Sitat fra: elektrolux på mandag 04. januar 2010, klokken 22:51
One reason it uses much more power canb be that energymeter have adjusted itself to the new capasity with maybe 5-6 cells missing.

Even on theese cold days a good batterypack should give minimum 50 km

I'm now down to about 40 km or less, and the voltage drops below 90V @ 100A current at about 35% charge. It's about -15 out there now, and -2 in the battery pack. The car haven't seen too much use over the Xmas, so I'll see whats happening the next few days.

;-// Hans
Oslo: Kewet5 ("Knerten") 1999-2007 (85k km) == P106E ("Dorsken") 2007-2009 (25k km) == Think Classic ("Tupper") 2009-2012 (ca 40k km) == P iOn ("LilleSvarten") 28/3-2012-29/5-2019 (60k km) == TM3DLR ("Justin E") 8/3-2019- (6500 km)

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