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Sv: mattlakk eller metallic?

Startet av Waldemar, onsdag 11. mars 2015, klokken 12:39

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Jeg vil skrive engelsk, min norsk er ikke veldig bra og det kan bli litt vanskelig a forklare.

Its really ennoying, when people who charged their cars don't respect the rules on the charging points.

If there is a sign, that its possible to stay on the charging point for 30 minutes, it means 30 minutes! C'mon! Today near cityhall in Sandvika, there was a blue e-up, which spent there around 1 hour. When I came to to charging point, the car was already there for 45 minuts, I charge my car for 28 minutes, adn e-up was still there without owner, fully charged. It was not possible for others to use charging point. People think!

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