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Sv: Ladekurve Th!nk - Tupper

Startet av BauDemo, torsdag 03. september 2009, klokken 06:38

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My car did not clear the test this year - the break disks were too rusty.
So I bought new disks, and new break pads.
And decided since I am anyways going to get down there, I can as well try something new.
Here is the result...
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Nissan Leaf 2012 EU
Nissan Leaf 2017 30 kW Norsk
Venter på Tesla M3...

Har kjørt elektrisk siden 2001, og har hatt ca 20 elbiler. Totalt ca 500 000 km.


Is this new red caliper "New" or have you just sprayed it?
I was admiring the original aluminium rims. Seem to be in good condition. Good driving there BauDemo!

Turn off the Regen now and again. It cleans opp the disks and exercises the cylinders. Work the cylinders in and out a few times a year and you could try lubrication as shown i the Elbil Wiki.

Another item for the "Pimping Section"?
Kristiansand. Think City  105K 2001. Kjørt i to år. Ex Postens Think, 50K. Tidligere styreleder for Agder Elbilforening. Den ble til en lokallag av den Nasjonal Elbilforeningen hvor jeg har hatt forskellige verv. Kjøre 1. gen Leaf nå.


I had to change the disks - and while browsing the shelvs for the correct article number in biltema I saw a can of paint (art# 36-336) - they do not have that on the internet site, but if you ask for "bromsoksfärg" I am sure they will find it. The can was 90kr approx and should be enough for 4 wheels. There were blue, yellow, black, red and silver.
It was very easy to paint - I bought the breaks cleaning spray from biltema and used a steel brush to clean before painting. Then I masked the areas not to be painted and did a two layers with 40min wating to dry inbetween. We will see how long it lasts.

Thanks for the tip Ken! Unfortunately my car had been standing still 3 years before I bought it, so there was lots of rust on the disks. The new ones costed 180kr a piece in biltema.

Here is one more photo after the first layer - with some masking tape.
nikometer? -

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