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Soltak Exploded!

Startet av GiddyUP!, mandag 13. oktober 2014, klokken 21:17

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I read Norsk:-)

My Gal was driving E-6 on her way home today and the sunroof just exploded!
So she says.
Glass everywhere and Viking picked her up on the road side.
Looking around on the internet, there seems to be problems with sun roofs exploding for no apparent reason.
Of course it could be a rock from outer space or a truck, but there was no traffic.

I thought I would post this here and document our issue.

Has anyone else heard of such problems, with VW or specifically the UP model?
Thanks and I will check back in a few days.

"Giddy" is our 2014 e-up!

MVH  Giddy


This sort of thing does happen with any type of tempered glass.

I have a colleague at work that had her rear window explode in a carwash, which as you can imagine is more than a tad inconvenient.

The reason is usually the tempering process, uneven temperatures can cause stress in the glass which can then suddenly cause a fault, usually when the glass goes through a change in temperature. Not an uncommon occurrence with shower doors, for example.

This should be a warranty issue, as long as there was no obvious external factor that caused the damage.
2014 Volkswagen e-UP!

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