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Replacement for USA import Leaf's Telemetry unit

Startet av Paqo, onsdag 22. mai 2013, klokken 14:42

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Ingebrigt: There is one big reason for separate can busses. It's called security.
It's a great idea to unlock the car with your phone. Not so great when a hacker shuts down your car when you are driving. :o Do you still think my imagination needs to be upgraded? Maybe your imagination is missing the security patch. ;D

Paqo: It seems that Nissan has choosen different network operators in Europe and US.
Since there are some delay when communicating with the car my guess is that the system is based on SMS.
When new cars are delivered somebody has to activate the Telemetry unit. This is normally done at the car dealer, and the subscription starts running five years from this.
Do we know that changing sim cards to different operator doesn't require a new activation in the car?
After the car is activated you must enter nissans "you" server with your vin code, and make an user account there.
Do we know if the Nissan server accept car data sourced from other cellular networks sim cards then the two choosen for Europe/US.
Has anybody tried to put a working sim card from an European Leaf into an US Leaf in Europe?
Is there any physical differences between the US and European Telemetry unit?
Will a Telemetry unit from an European car work in an import US ?

If nobody has good answers to this questions, I think it's too early to conclude that there are frequency issues for the US imports. To my knowledge GSM module manufacturers  often make only one model with "worldwide" capabilities.

22' X Plaid
17' Model X90 med alt     19' Tesla Model 3 LR
Vectrix VX-1 med Leaf lithium-ion


Ah, a naysayer>:D
According to your logic the OVMS should not exist, as its developed for EVs with a single can bus.
You seem to make a lot of assumptions regarding my stance on security. I'll leave you to it.


Where is the original Telemetry unit located? is it integrated into the lcdscreenbox?


No, separate unit behind glovebox.
Connected to canbus and direct USB connection to infotainment unit.
22' X Plaid
17' Model X90 med alt     19' Tesla Model 3 LR
Vectrix VX-1 med Leaf lithium-ion


Sitat fra: Rav4_EV på fredag 24. mai 2013, klokken 19:07
No, separate unit behind glovebox.
Connected to canbus and direct USB connection to infotainment unit.

Ah cool.
I havent done anything with canbus before. But okey. so it's a shared bus, meaning we can sniff traffic units transmit over it.
so am I right that we could use one of these
and use carwings to sniff out all we need?


Sitat fra: thoru på fredag 24. mai 2013, klokken 20:03
Ah cool.
I havent done anything with canbus before. But okey. so it's a shared bus, meaning we can sniff traffic units transmit over it.
so am I right that we could use one of these
and use carwings to sniff out all we need?
Yes, but you would have to modify it, or make an extension cord, to sniff the second can bus where the TCU (telematics) is located. There are several efforts on the forum on can sniffers, some that sniff and log all three buses. The third bus is just for buttons for the nav-unit if I'm not mistaken. Some of these persons might already have a lot of the required info in log files.

Below are some facts and assumptions regarding the TCU.

The print board of the TCU for US-models has a designation ending in NAM this stands for North AMerica, the european board will be designated differently (EUR?). Although it contains a quad band modem FCC designates it as a 850/1900MHz unit. The modem firmware will have to be crossgraded to european version to get 900/1800MHz. Activation of the TCU means registering its serial (IMEI) number with the service provider. Nissan is the paying customer so you will have to depend on their goodwill to activate your US-TCU.The car VIN is stored in the TCU and used as identification versus the Carwings server, this must be recoded with a Nissan Consult or the mythical device with similar functions upon TCU replacement. The TCU stores stores something called 'center connection setting' this might be the Carwings server, allowing the entrepreneur (ie. madman) to reverse engineer the carwings server and set up his own.


that how the unit looks like outside and inside if anybody wants to know  ;)
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