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Sv: Baktungt "stuk" / justering av luftdempere

Startet av stefan72, søndag 05. januar 2014, klokken 14:50

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Hi all,
The Think manual says that it is advisable (for max safety...) to first connect the charging cable to the socket/grid and then plug it into the car. If we use a timer to avoid charging every time to 100% if not needed, would this be a problem or damage the PCS (portable charger system) in the long run? Anyone has experience on this?

Tanks and happy new Think year.


I would suspect this recommendation is based on the experience from the Think Classic where you should connect the car in the reverse order to avoid any sparks from a sudden power surge at the car connction. With the use of a timer I should expect the connection in the timer to be swift and precise and would not cause any sparks.  It may be other reasons though.
Kethorp i Oslo
Rød Think Classic 2002 - fra 2005
Rød Think City 2010 (Zebra) - fra 2013
BMW i3 94kw 2017 - fra 2017


Hello Stefan.

The order of plugging you describe from the manual is correct. It should not be confused with the Think classic A266 (wherefore Kethorp describes the right plug order).
I owned both cars.

The Think A306 (from 2008-now) has a charge control box (PCS, EVSE or whatever you call it) in the cable. Plugging the box first to AC230V makes sense because it measures the capability of the net and gives an error if the installation has any defects.
Further it doesn´t give any current into the cars plug, before it gets the Think´s pilot signal. So no to sparks at the A306 as on the old Think A266´s Defa plug.

To your question: Is it possible to charge with a timer?
I can tell you that most of the time I plug my new Think A306 in the "old Thinks" way without any issues. (Timer charging would work)

But a few times I had a problem: It first caught my attention as a AC230V fuse suddenly interrupted the charge due to overload (on a journey while charging with many cars, some Noobs caused an overload on same AC phase).
The Think did not start charge as the fuse was just switched on again. The cable box showed an error and the Car needed a replugging at its charge port. I could verify this behaviour several times. (So in this case a timer charge would not start properly)

Regards from germany evdriver
2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


Hello all,

Thank you for your answers. I own since a few weeks a Think City A306 (2011). I will give it a try with the timer. :)
safe driving,

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