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Sv: Prøvekjøring av Model S

Startet av BauDemo, torsdag 02. mai 2013, klokken 14:21

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I need to top up the coolant and am wondering which of the coolants available at biltema are compatible with the original coolant?
Here are the 3 I found:

From the manual - the original coolant is
"All Vehicle 50/50 antifreeze/coolant from Prime"
nikometer? -


Rød og blå Glykol er kompatible.

Orange longlife er ikke kompatibel med vanlig Glykol som var oppi min nye Think

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Ok - I thought I should share and maybe save someone a lot of trouble.
Last time I ended up buying some coolant from a autoexperten and it was supposed to be compatible...
Now for another Think I need to fill in some coolant and decided to get to the bottom of this.
According to the manual the coolant in the Think is "Statoil" coolant.
The manual states:
"THINK City comes from the factory with a 50% blue coolant from Statoil. Refill with the same brand."

Now from the statoil website the only blue coolant I find is this one:$file/propylenglykol.pdf

Notice that this is "propylenglykol"!

And now back to the coolant types available at biltema - all of them have the following text in the description: "Får ej blandas med propylenglykol. Färg: blå."


More reading and it turns out that the color of the coolant is nothing more than a color - the pigment is making it easier to spot leaks.

So I am going to buy a blue coolant from statoil and fill up... while someone with richer chemistry knowledge can clarify all the stuff above.

Please ignore the content above.

nikometer? -

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