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Sv: Hvordan unngå å subsidiere de ebilkjøperne som har penger i bøtter og spann?

Startet av Citrus, fredag 17. juli 2015, klokken 02:18

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Dear All,

A few months ago I noticed that, after overnight charging, the battery (Enerdel Li-Ion) of my Th!nk was not completely charged. In the past (up to 40,000 kilometres) it charged up to around 105%, nowadays (50,000 km) only up to 100%. First I thought it was the battery deteriorating but it seems something different. Around that time I also caught a red flash for a fraction of a second on the dash, later I was able to determine that it was the red "high temperature' light in the dashboard which illuminated for a fraction of a second and that maybe twice a month, only after I took off with a fully charged battery.

Recently and by coincidence I had a look at the dashboard after it had fully charged. Only the green power available light was on (charging light off) though in the dashboard itself the red high temperature light was flashing erratic whilst the current meter was 3 dots (max) in the green (the main contactors were disengaged however).

I took the charging plug out (no clicking of the main contactors, it already had disengaged) and took the car for a ride. It "started" as usual but the red high temp kept on flashing irregular. (Note, enough cooling liquid, pump running and flow is there, no warm radiator, no fans running). I drove around for 5 minutes and then pressed the accelerator to the bottom. 5 seconds later the main contactors disengaged, the yellow power limit light flashed and the 12 volt battery charging light in the console illuminated. Oh dear... Switched off the car, waited a minute, started again and all came to life. The high temperature light started flashing its erratic tune soon after I hit the road. The whole shut down procedure happened exactly the same as soon as I withdrew a good amount of power from the battery.When it went below 90% no shut downs anymore and below 80% SOC also the high temp light stayed off.

Last night the car had an overnight charge and I took out the plug this morning but only used the car late in the afternoon (9 hours after I unplugged it). To my surprise the high temperature light started flashing its irregular way around a minute after I took of. No shut downs (I also was not in the mood for trying since I was on a road with hardly any escape route). Below 80% the high temp light remained off.

Today was a nice day, temperature around 20 degrees Celsius, no fan running cause of the heat, nothing out of the ordinary.

Anyone any clue what the issue is?

Thanks in advance, Jaap.


Dear All,

To solve this issue I had to lay my hands on the correct Enerdel diagnostic software (Commtool) first (luckily I have all the service hardware available). The software I got 3 months ago giving me the opportunity to (digitally) look inside my battery. That was crucial determining the root cause of the issue.

When getting used and doing doing some readings with the Enerdel Comtool my eye caught a figure jumping like anything. Just check 160611 Analog 1_8" (in the attachment) first screenshot, column "Filt_Analog_04", then "Board_Temp_Filt" (almost at the bottom). The screenshot gives a value of -16 but I have seen it jumping between -9 and -30 degrees Celsius. Rather cold for the time of year (in June it was) and also compared to all the other RLEC readings. Would this be the reason....

After getting a RLEC board from the USA and sending my number 4 to Elbilmek for diagnosis was the next step. Unfortunately my RLEC board was beyond repair, happily Elbilmek was very helpful with correctly numbering a replacement board. Elbilmek was quick in returning the replacement board but it took me and the other two involved guys two months to set a date to get the new RLEC board in. Lowering the battery was done at the workshop of Goritzlehner in Hengelo where they have a bridge, materials and Th!nk knowledge). Replacement of the board was a piece of cake with all this equipment. The Commtool showed all readings were fine, RLEC 4 gave correct readings. The proof was my trip home, which is 130km away from Goritzlehner. Smmothly it went, no more shut downs, no more flashing temperature light and after the overnight charge the battery was back at a SOC of 105% and the Ampere meter at the bottom, as it was before.

So... I happily drive my Th!nk again!


What a great story! Gives all of us other Think'ers hope to have our cars running :)
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


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