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Sv: Hvor har du finansiert dinTesla ? Føler du deg lurt?

Startet av Poppe, søndag 06. oktober 2013, klokken 19:02

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I was under the dash trying to remove the GEM when I found this :

The yellow has been cut.
The yellow/green has been cut
the yellow/green has been twisted to connect to the yellow/red, not even crimped or soldered.

Anybody know what this fix is and why ?
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


What year is it? To the right of the GEM there should be a label telling what kind of loom the car has. Some cars has a "prototype" loom, though i havent seen this before.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Yellow/red on the grey connector (pin 19) is the door lock switch

Yellow on the grey connector (pin 14) is the GEM reset switch
Yellow/Green on the grey connector (pin 16) is the GEM set swith

Those two wires, which are cut at your pre-production vehicle, are routed to the Remote ACquisition Unit on the production vehicle.

At the Think factory they have probably tested the RAC "set GEM" output to control the door lock.

BTW, the GEM unlock switch is the pink/green wire at the green connector (pin 16). I bet that the yellow wire (visible on your picture with isolation band) is connected to the green/pink, unlocking the doors it RAC reset switch was toggled.

So no worries :)
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


När den var på Moveabout låstes dörrarna upp med ett kort :)



Med ett kort ? Hur då ?

Jag håller med hma, tror att det har med RAC att göra. Dom fungerade väl bara i Norge ?
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg

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