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Sv: Breaking: Offisiell ladeinformasjon for Norge og EU

Startet av DaX, lørdag 07. september 2013, klokken 16:58

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God artikkel og diskusjon rundt hvorfor Tesla satser i Norge kontra f.eks Holland.

Why Tesla is focused on oil-rich Norway as it expands beyond the US

"Tesla's focus on Norway comes from the same root as Norway's fascination with electric vehicles: an incentive system so generous that it seems almost financially unsound to not buy one."

Reddit diskusjon, 600+ kommentarer
Let's imagine we're in the early 1900s, there are no paved roads, no gas stations, and you've just been introduced to the Model T. What do you think? It sure is difficult to travel as far as you can by horse and buggy. Food for the horse is everywhere and the bumpy roads aren't a problem. So, do you dismiss the T as a folly? Many did. Some recognized it for not merely what it was (which by existing standards was pretty slick), but what it could be. So, when the next revolution in transportation begins, will you recognize it?
Konnerud, Drammen

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