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Sv: Forsikring på Tesla Model S

Startet av habazot, mandag 26. august 2013, klokken 21:42

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I bought my first Think 2008 model (I know, I'm a bit late to the party) in Oslo and needed to transport it to Bergen where I live,
So I decided I wanted to drive it over the mountains, and chose Hardangervidda as my target, since it is relatively flat; no really steep hills.

I started off from Bekkestua Saturday 19:15-ish, having charged to 100% at the local library. The goal was to be at work Monday morning in Bergen.

(I should probably mention that I tried driving two weeks earlier, but got stranded at Flå with a defect PCU and charging cable. So NAF brought it to Røhne-Selmer to do major surgery. If you are considering buying a Think check that the PCU is Gen1 and has been "enhanced". It might save you enough money to buy another one... I also opted for getting a different charger (Kopp from Salto) since my original one had gone flaky. The Kopp seems to work fine, I have had no issues with it this far.)

At 21:05 I arrived at Flå (127km) with 32% capacity left and intention of having dinner at the restaurant at Thon Hotel Bjørneparken. I put the charger in at Nes Prestegjelds Sparebank/Europris (no-one to ask, so I just have to say thank you!), every drop, sorry *ampere*, counts..

I found out they stopped serving meatballs at 21:00 *sharp*, so I was left with my other option: a burger at MacDonald's (how come I always feel like taking a shower after I have eaten at these places.?..).

So at 21:30 and 35% juice left in my battery, I aimed for my destination just north of Nesbyen (38km from Flå), Smedsgården Hotel. Half an hour later I was at this very charming place with really friendly Danish hosts. Just me, a group of elderly people on their way to a family reunion and a guy practicing his accordion. Lovely.

Anyway, they offered my to charge from a wall socket just outside the entrance since I was parked there. However, when half the kitchen and the vending machines in the reception area suddenly went dark they were kind enough to direct me to a dedicated socket on the corner of the building. That worked like a charm.

First leg done, time for a cigar.

The next morning my plan was to drive to Geilo (65km) and take a break and recharge a few hours before commencing the main distance: crossing Hardangervidda and driving down to Eidfjord (90km) before charging again.

I started off from Smedsgården 08:30 with 90% capacity and arrived Geilo with 45% left an hour later (Hol-Geilo have some steep hills). Just by the Statoil station Hallingdal Kraftnett have their offices with quite a few charging stations, all 16A. So I opted to try those out. Since this was a Sunday there was no-one to ask, so I just have to send my usual "sorry, but thanks!" here :)

While charging I spent some quality time replacing the stereo with a new DAB/bluetooth/+++ thingy. Might as well enhance my ride while at it (see separate thread).

At 12:30 and 70% capacity I decided it was time to go. Unfortunately it was raining (heavily) so there was no time to do a photo-shoot with the reindeers. All I can say is it was a smooth ride, the kind where you can't help but smiling all the way.

Down Måbødalen which is a several kilometers 8% downhill slope I tried to regenerate as much as I could, and managed to get maybe 5% more?
I'm not sure I like the way regeneration works in Drive, I believe I would have preferred to have it in Neutral as soon as I let go of the speed pedal.
And then maybe had a separate 2-level handle at the steering wheel controlling the regeneration level, more like a traditional bus.
Or maybe just each quick touch at the brake pedal could apply more and more regeneration. This has probably been discussed to death somewhere else, let's not derail into flames...

I arrived at Eidfjord a few minutes past 14:00 with 30% left, and started looking for a place to charge.
I found no obvious places and resorted to asking the X&Y gas station for help. And indeed; I could just drive into their garage and plug it in. Friendly as few, the kind you really want to be able to give back to. So I bought a hot dog. And the half price "free coffee refills 2013" mug. Although I don't have any X&Y station close to where I live.
And why should I need to go to a gas station now that I'm all electric, haha! Oohh, yes, charging. And coffee. And hot dogs. Oh well...

While I watched cruise-ships, tourists looking for postcards and bikers (and took a small nap) the juice-o-meter rose to 50% and I decided to leave about 17:00.

The Hardangerfjordbrua bridge just opened the day before and I might just be the first Think to go across? Maybe even the first EV? Dunno, unless you come up with hard evidence I will claim victory at August 18th 17:30. Just before crossing the bridge I noticed that my mobile was mounted at an angle and had the lens at the right place to be able to shoot video while driving. So I have a clip of me driving across the bridge as evidence.. :)

Arrived at my parents place in Norheimsund at 18:15 (75km later) with 10% power left. No power limiter but the friendly "recharge NOW, or we're all gonna diiee..." warning light. Luckily there was a 16A available in the garage (just had to evict my parents car..).

Time to enhance my ride: replace some bulbs with LEDs.
And take a boat trip (caught nothing, where are all you fish hiding.?..).

Second leg done.
Almost there.
Time for a cigar.

This morning the car was 100% again and I set off to Bergen which is 81km away. Arrived at work 09:00 sharp with 55% capacity left. Victory!

I could have pushed harder and reduced the trip to a single sleepover, but I'm quite happy with how things turned out, it was an enjoyable trip. Would do it again :)
- Think City 2008 - 43000km


Thankyou for sharing your story. Funny and interesting reading.

I dont know if you read Norwegian, but someone has taken a very similar trip before:
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Sitat fra: Elmo på mandag 19. august 2013, klokken 19:44
Thankyou for sharing your story. Funny and interesting reading.

I dont know if you read Norwegian, but someone has taken a very similar trip before:

Takk for hyggjeleg tilbakemelding, og jaudå, eg snakkar til og med nynorsk ;)
Den reiseskildringa du nemner har eg lest og er på eit heilt anna nivå enn mine smånotat :)
Men eg tenkte at det var greit om eg la ut mine ting her og..

Grunnen til at eg skreiv det på framand målføre er at eg ser det er ein del som brukar det her på forumet. Det er vel ein del både svenskar, tyskarar,amerikanarar++ innom som har lettare for å lesa engelsk enn nynorsk? Vonar ikkje eg har brutt etikette eller andre uskrevne reglar med å gjera det.. :)
- Think City 2008 - 43000km


Great and entertaining story about the long trip of an electric car pilot. Maybe one should bring a navigator on such trips !?
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i Göteborg

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