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Sv: New options for Europe

Startet av Michael_p106, mandag 22. juli 2013, klokken 04:31

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This is my first entry here.
I have a Peugeot 106 for 2 years.
Everything ok.
But my radio will not work.
Is the car off, everything is fine.
But I will start and drive. It is not possible to listen to radio.
Only noise.
Like "ssscchhrrr"
The same when calling with mobile phone.

The shielding broken? Maybe "Ground fault"?
I don´t know.
Electrosmog is not, I'm afraid.

Maybe someone knows why bother / interfere?

Thanks in advance.
best regards
Friesland, Tyskland


Hello Michael,

Sorry that nobody answered your question until now. Normally answers come quickly on this forum, everybody is helpful. Most users will understand english, but of course this is a norwegian place.

Saxo and the other "classical" electric PSA cars produce a lot of radio interference, and this is the case even for most new EVs! 

But on the Saxo FM reception is quite ok with the original radio, according to my experience. I tried another type of receiver in the Saxo, connected to the original antenna, and it worked well, too. As you already mentioned the antenna shield in your car might be faulty (which also would cause trouble in fuel cars).

Another source might be the commutator, if faulty. You might want to control it (disconnect main battery first, of course!).

And put your question at German Elektroauto-Forum, too:

Good luck -

Køge, 40km syd for København. Saxo electrique (2000 model), 2007-blokke (NiCd)
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