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Sv: Ny design på spolieren

Startet av BauDemo, søndag 05. mai 2013, klokken 22:51

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I made this to document the pinout of the adapter cable from the PCAN adapter to the obd plug in the Think.
Hope it helps.
nikometer? -

one careful owner

Thank you for the pin layout.
I was wondering if the Olimex Duino Mite may also work as a PCAN adapter/interface on our Zebra Think's.
Th!nk Zebra 2010 - Gen1 PCU med gen1 motor - 70.000 km.


The biggest problem is how to get the software. I have searched for it a long time now.


Sitat fra: one careful owner på torsdag 20. juni 2013, klokken 12:47
Thank you for the pin layout.
I was wondering if the Olimex Duino Mite may also work as a PCAN adapter/interface on our Zebra Think's.

Do you own or drive Think with a Zebra battery?

It would take a lot of work to make duinomite behave exactly as PCAN adapter... I am not even sure if it is possible...
nikometer? -

one careful owner

O.K. so it would be more practical to buy the real thing like this:

And yes, you need the right software to be able to talk to the Zebra monitor.

So, better find the software first before buying the canbus interface ;-)
Th!nk Zebra 2010 - Gen1 PCU med gen1 motor - 70.000 km.


Sitat fra: one careful owner på søndag 23. juni 2013, klokken 09:56
O.K. so it would be more practical to buy the real thing like this:

And yes, you need the right software to be able to talk to the Zebra monitor.

So, better find the software first before buying the canbus interface ;-)
I don't think that the product you link to is compatible or works with Zebra monitor.
Have you tried this adapter and found it works with Zebra monitor?
If you have not tested it, I would recommend you edit your post to make clear that this is not something you recommend - someone may be ordering and spending money based on your post, just to find out that it is not something they can use.
nikometer? -

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