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Blåtann-problemer mellom C-Zero og iPhone

Startet av BauDemo, lørdag 26. januar 2013, klokken 13:03

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I am starting a new thread specifically for installing daytime running lights (DTRL) on Gen0/1 Think.
According to the electrical wiring diagram if one mounts relays R21 (for front lights) and R23 (for rear) all should work.
I have checked and I do not have such relays mounted, so the idea is to get these relays (or compatible) and try. According to the user manual on position 21 and 23 should be Relay/Mini.

So anyone knows what Relay/Mini is? And where could I buy one? Ford? Biltema? mekonomen?

Also - what is on the other side of screw that holds the relay box? I tried removing it and the screw was rotating back to it's original position as if it was on a spring... did not want to push it too hard.

I was thinking of pulling one of the existing "mini" relays and checking the part number, but because of the self rotating screw it did not work very well.
nikometer? -


I can post a photo and check the part number on my blue think, if you want to. The relay-board is taken out of the car.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


A photo of both R21 and R23 will be great!

I know there are 2 different Think part nr. that may be related:
541.2300.A  RELAY DRL
541.2400.A  RELAY MINI

But does not help me with finding the corresponding part at Ford.
Visually ford part nr. 1426082 seems to match... but assuming this is dangerous.

nikometer? -


Ordered couple of these:
Edit: the link does not work! Try and search for "4RD 007 814 011"

I will test and report back.
nikometer? -


Nice! I don't have the time to take the photo until tomorrow morning. Stuck with work until then.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Her er releet jeg brukte, tror alle er lik.
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Sitat fra: Lynet på fredag 11. januar 2013, klokken 16:26
Her er releet jeg brukte, tror alle er lik.
Thanks for the photo.
Are they really the same?
The mini relays and the DTRL ones have different part nr. in the Think catalog.
Another interesting thing is that the DTRL relays in the Gen0/1 electrical wiring diagram are shown without protective resistors, while Gen2 have protective resistors...
The relays I ordered should have protective resistors.
Could the lack of resistors be the reason for some mystical power limit problems I have seen reported? Should we have an added protective diode? Like the coding diodes on later generations?

Another interesting observation is that the Think "mini" relays are considered ISO "micro" relays :)

Here is some reading on relays:
nikometer? -


Releet som er avbildet har dempemotstand og er fra en av prototypene av Think Classic som jeg hugde opp. At motstandene ikke står inntegnet på skjemaet så jeg også, men det tror jeg er en forglemmelse.
Tror alle biler har hatt dempede reller i sine kretser de siste tiår etter at de er blitt proppet full med elektronikk.

Problemene som ble nevnt tidligere med powerlimit på grunn av innkopling av drl var nok svakt 12V-batteri skylden i.
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


I picked up the relays - and it worked!
Thanks to all that helped.
Here are some photos of the relays:
nikometer? -


Kjøp tysk kvalitet, Hella, "made in China"  8)

Fikk du også baklys med rele 23? Hos meg var det ingen ledninger i stikkene til rele 23!
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Sitat fra: Lynet på lørdag 12. januar 2013, klokken 19:36
Kjøp tysk kvalitet, Hella, "made in China"  8)
Hehe... everything is made in china now - the originals were made in spain... time will tell which ones will fail first.

Sitat fra: Lynet på lørdag 12. januar 2013, klokken 19:36
Fikk du også baklys med rele 23? Hos meg var det ingen ledninger i stikkene til rele 23!
The wiring was there - so I got rear lights too!
nikometer? -


Denne løsningen fungerte godt på min norsk produserte 2009 modell (Gen1). Med relet i R21 og R23 fikk jeg kjørelyst både foran og bak.

Men det fungerte ikke så bra på min finsk produserte 2010 modell (Gen2). Der måtte jeg følge denne fremgangsmåten her:,4864.0.html
- Think 2010 Zebra - Gen 1
- Think 2010 Lithium - Gen2


I installed a relay at position 21 (?), the one closets to the center of the relay box and the front daylight running lights are on. Yippi !
Tried to install another relay at nr 23 but it falls out due to the lack of cables (connectors) in the relay holder, so it seems I can not have rear DRL. This seem quite strange since in 2008 when the car was imported to Sweden it was not legal to drive around with front lights only, you needed both front and rear. Now its OK with front only but not in tunnels etc.

Whats the deal with this guys ?
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