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Startet av one careful owner, tirsdag 09. februar 2016, klokken 01:31

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one careful owner

Please, could you advise me?

My Zebra batt Th!nk refuses to charge. The Power Limit indicator was blinking and the red triangle next to it, is continuously illuminated.

The manual says:  the tell tale lamp indicates a fault in the high voltage system. Charging is not possible if the light is continuously illuminated.

The Nico-meter says: "Int. iso. error" and "Nr. of failed cells 2".

Where do I start to investigate further?

Thank you.
Th!nk Zebra 2010 - Gen1 PCU med gen1 motor - 70.000 km.

one careful owner


At this moment it says, in addition: "Waiting temp. err." and "Waiting ok temp charge".
The green charging light on top of the dashboard is blinking now. It was off, earlier. (So this is progress)

Strangely, the batt. temp right now is 252. And still dropping further downwards.
Th!nk Zebra 2010 - Gen1 PCU med gen1 motor - 70.000 km.


I had a similar error. I believe you need to hook up a PCAN interface and use ZebraMonitor to clear the error. I rented the equipment needed and let my closest workshop (Elbilmek in Asker) log in via TeamViewer to diagnose and reset. The temperature drop is natural if the battery is running low and have started the cool-down stage.

Unfortunately in my case the internal isolation error would not be cleared and the battery was declared dead and beyond repair. I had to find a replacement battery.
(I did have an external isolation error as well, so I'm thinking about trying to test the removed battery again to verify that no external components confused the diagnostics).

Sorry to be the bearer of potential bad news, but from 10000ft it looks like the battery may be toast. It seems like quite a few experience this after 7-8years with the Zebra batteries.
- Think City 2008 - 43000km

one careful owner

Thank you Habazot for your reply,

It must be time then for a new battery pack. Luckily I have another one waiting in the garden shed.
I'll have it checked by ZebraMonitor before I putt it under the car. There are about 4 workshops over here who have the equipment. I hope it's possible to check the battery pack outside the car. That would be practical.
Th!nk Zebra 2010 - Gen1 PCU med gen1 motor - 70.000 km.


Well, I would try to clear the errors and see if the lifespan could be extended on your existing battery before changing it. And yes, it should be possible to apply 12V to the BMI interface and hook up a CAN interface directly without having it hooked up to the car. I believe I read about it somewhere... (tm)

But my conclusion from looking at used car ads in the papers and this forum it seems like there are quite a few Zebra batteries failing right now, 7+ years from first production. So I guess 7-8 years lifespan is to be expected on these battery packs? Just my subjective observation, don't flame or sue me..

What amazes me is the almost complete lack of deterioration in performance: 100% or nothing.. :)
I wish someone would invest in refurbishing these Zebra batteries, there will be quite a few looking for new batteries soon.. how hard can it be?..  ;)
- Think City 2008 - 43000km


I'm afraid I could add at least 2 Instances here in Germany recently to the heap of dead Zebras, including the one in my 2008 Think. I wonder how many Think owners would be prepared to purchase a new or refurbished Zebra battery.

Please bear in mind that you have also to heat up the battery in order to reliably check the status and try to clear any stored failure message. The BMI operates also with 12V only, and Zebramonitor will allow to clear the message "internal isolation fault". But the battery temperature has to reach approx. 240 degrees before the internal isolation status is actually checked again. With a permanently damaged battery, the "internal iso fault" message will then show up again and heating will be switched off.



Hi  one careful owner, Sorry about the issues with the car. Did you get it repaired?

one careful owner

Hello Jur, Prime,

No, the Th!nk is still in the workshop. The log has 5 fault readings. It was send to Switzerland for further investigation. The log that is, not  the car ;-)

But it is probably the battery pack. Could only be the controller on the pack, too. That's why Switzerland has to advise.

I have a spare one from 2010.

I'll keep you posted.
Th!nk Zebra 2010 - Gen1 PCU med gen1 motor - 70.000 km.


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