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Sv: USB porter

Startet av jensjacob, søndag 31. juli 2016, klokken 18:12

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En ældre artikel, men iøvrigt generelt mange artikler omkring forretningsstrategier indenfor elbilindustrien. Især skrevet af Anton Wahlman.

"To see how flexible Volkswagen's production is, let's look at three current examples:

eGolf and eUp: Panasonic cells, but Volkswagen makes the battery pack.
Golf GTE: Panasonic makes both the cells and the entire pack.
Passat GTE: Samsung cells, but Volkswagen makes the battery pack."

"In a separate interview, Audi CTO Hackenberg dropped a bomb by confirming how flexible this Volkswagen battery strategy is. He said that the all-new Audi R8 eTron, which Audi expects to have a range of 280 miles, has a battery pack that consists of 52 modules containing a total of 7,488 cells. In other words, 144 cells per module.

7,488 cells in total. You know what that means, folks. It means that Audi is using the same cylindrical cells as Tesla, even though the vendor in this instance is Samsung, not Panasonic.

It's no wonder that the overall battery statistics of this car, the R8, are therefore similar to Tesla. The capacity of the battery pack is similar, the kind of cells used is similar, the weight per kWh is similar, and the range is similar.

The difference is that while Audi uses this Samsung cell today, it is not wedded to what it would be producing in its own battery cell factory, had it been in Tesla's shoes. Audi can switch to LG and Panasonic, and switch from cylindrical to flat/square battery cells, if the battery cell price fluctuates in its favor. It's harder to do that if you own your own factory for which you have paid billions and have to run at close to full capacity utilization in order to be competitive on cost."
Fik jeg sagt at jeg er fundamentalt imod syntetisk støj >:( , assistentsystemer der involverer bremse og styretøj samt selvkørende biler på offentlig vej :'( ?

NightBlue e-Golf leveret d.11/9 2015 :) :)


Interessant, har selv fundert over at så mange er opptatt av vertikal integrasjon som et must for elbilprodusenter. Etter min oppfatning virker battericeller å være veldig standardiserte og burde i så måte være det perfekte produkt å handle på en armlengdes avstand. Jeg skjønner at argumentet er å sikre fremtidig tilgang til gode priser, altså en implisitt forventning om at det vil være et konstant tilbudsunderskudd når elbil-ballen virkelig begynner å rulle, men samtidig ser jeg ikke de store inngangsbarrierene i batteriproduksjon. Det må i så fall være råvareknapphet?

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