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Sv: En liten dekk- og felgguide

Startet av jim3cantos, torsdag 16. oktober 2014, klokken 21:59

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Hello Th!nkers:

Sorry but only English (or spanish  ;))

I know th!nkers are switching now to Tesla in Norway but here in Spain we are 2-3 years behind and we are starting with EV's now. For me a Think city is a good start while waiting for model 3 (or another similar) to come.

Anyway, first question for owners. How many more km's of range after the "petrol" gauge starts blinking?  I didn't dare to test by myself:


A picture from the other end of the continent


Hello! I include a photo taken after a my longest trip to date!
The car is an 2010 with sodium battery!
The trip was with 2 (heavy) persons aboard! :-)



Sitat fra: LN-YOV på mandag 06. oktober 2014, klokken 10:03
Hello! I include a photo taken after a my longest trip to date!
The car is an 2010 with sodium battery!
The trip was with 2 (heavy) persons aboard! :-)

Mine is 2012 (january) with Zebra battery. My longest trip is the one in the video. In  my case only one person in the car but 600m of climbing (700 to 1300mtrs).


Hello, and welcome :)

After the light starts blinking, you are supposed to stop immidiatly. I have driven perhaps 1-2km with it on, but I doubt it is especially healthy for the battery.

Your range is impressive! I have a 2011 with sodium and the "new/conservative" battery software, which gives me a range of 160km on a very nice day, but usually just 120km.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil

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