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Sv: Hurtiglading

Startet av edybvik, søndag 29. mars 2015, klokken 18:06

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For å unngå dette må man alltid slå av varmevifte / varmeapparat før start/stopp av bilen.

Dette i følge et amerikansk bilverksted som reparerer THINK og har byttet mange av disse pre-charger motstandene.
Om kortet ikke er for brent kan man bytte mostanden med en ...
"HVR Advanced Power Components, 47 Ohm U-2115 series which is rated at 3.5 Watts average power and 700 Joules single impulse energy"
Les gjerne:!topic/2011-think-ev-owners-oregon/_OwMN-tWm4I

Roy (Fr)

Hei edybvik !

I was wondering if the Think sold in USA were the same as the ones sold in Europe.

On another forum in the US I found this (posted in February 2013) :

Sitat fra: jamcl3Turn off accessories before turning off the key
Postby jamcl3 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:55 pm

From Think NA HQ in Dearborn this afternoon:

Please shut off all 12-volt accessories when turning the vehicle off while parked. This includes shutting off the vehicle's heater, radio, wipers, rear window defogger as well as any other accessories that may be plugged into the 12-volt accessory port on the instrument panel. Accessories may be turned on again 10 seconds after the vehicle's ignition has been keyed to the "on" position.

Some customers have reported issues with their vehicle's starting that may be related to the functioning of the 12-volt battery. Preliminary testing completed this week indicates that a software issue needs correction. We will continue to test to verify the issue and are working with engineering to develop and implement a software upgrade that will fix the issue.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this will cause in the operation of the vehicle. We are working as quickly as possible to fully understand the issue and make necessary changes.

We will keep you updated on the progress through you service provider.

Note this does ~not~ apply to European Thinks with the Zebra battery, it applies to THINK City North America customers only.

Posts: 84
Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:59 am

The last sentence is not explicit enough. It doesn't say wether an Enerdel European Think is concerned or not...

Some say the issue could be the result of a software update, but this is not clear. Do you know how to find out what software is installed on a Think ?
By the way, do you have any technical manual concerning the Enerdel battery and/or the MLEC ?

Thank you for your help !
French 'mia electric' driver


Hello Roy,
First of all - powerlimit may be caused by low voltage on the 12V battery, so recharge or replace.

Then all lithium cars in US or EU may get burnt MLEC card and the powerlimit fault. This occurred frequently in US a period - and may be caused by a software bug not switching of external equipment during start up before the main battery is on-line. Like washer / heater / electric heating in rear window or front.

This "overload" probably cause the precharge resistor to burn (inclusive nearby by electric cables)
The resistor can be replaced and also the nearby melted cables. If you are lucky then the rest is ok.
The final problem is to remove the power limit error from the system before driving again.

Today I connected ELM327 to the OBD2 port in the THINK and connected with CAN(29-bit 500 kbaud) and 29 bit CAN filtering. But I have only the version for engine check so no battery info was found :O(

Some pictures of the operation to replace the MLEC card. The second last is the original preresistor - you can buy on net and replace like on my card the last one. Or use some cheaper repair resistor as shown above with two in paralell and cables to connect them to the MLEC card.

Roy (Fr)

Thank you Edybvik !

Your post is just awesome !
I hope you don't mind if I copy and paste it on other places, since it could be very helpful to other Think owners ?

I can't help you much about removing the power limit error, all this is a bit hard for me to understand...
But if you tell me exactly what you need, I can try to spread the word on other forums and groups and help you find it !

Thank you again for the explanation and photos !
French 'mia electric' driver

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