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Sv: Felg og dekk

Startet av wolfjac, onsdag 06. mai 2015, klokken 20:11

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Jeg ønsker en bedre betalingssystem i Norge:

Great to see the enthusiasm about electrical cars in Norway,
however I hope there will be a better payment system in the future. There is not one system working for all and on top, I think the payment system by time is not fair.
Payment=speed depends on weather (summer, winter) type of car (Nissan is charging slowier than e.g. VW!! and will costs 20-30 % more) and how full the battery is: e.g. 20% towards 60%.
I (Nissan NV-200 and E-up) experienced 3.0 till 7.3 kr per kWh  :-\
Looking at Denmark where 2 companies Eon and Clever offer a solution covering almost the complete country,( with 3.5 kr/kWh;  + monthly fee 100 kr), a similar system for example within the triangle Lillehammer, Fredrikstad and Larvik with Oslo in the center has not been established yet.
The Danish system is also not perfect, but compared to the cheap energy prizes in Norway the long distance costs for electrical driving are quite high........

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