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Sv: Dumme spørsmål vedr. lading

Startet av ZZooee, torsdag 25. juni 2015, klokken 12:33

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Min har ny motor. Skulle ikke den vist 240?
Min viser 211 , kun gått 800 km så kan hende den må kjøres lengre
Zoe 2017 R400 Intense Grå Titanium
Zoe 2015 R240 Intense Brun, solgt
Ion 2014 solgt

Jævla Hippie

Btw, før noen kjøper obd2 bluetooth-dings og tror de kan avlese Zoe med Torque Pro, så kan jeg avkrefte at det fungerer. Testet akkurat, Torque skjønner ikke hva Zoe prater om.
Renault Zoe 240 Life


There is a way to measure the State Of Health (SOH) of the battery without using a device on the OBDII-port.
How to do it:
1. Charge the battery to 100%.
2. Reset the boardcomputer (See attached picture 1).
3. Use the displayed range and formula: Range / 131 = Battery SOH % (Or use the chart, see attached picture 2).

This has been tested on the Zoe Q210 model. For the R240 model, the 131 probably must be a different number.

Joseph Santaniello


131 is the range that almost all Zoe's have when their battery SOH is still 100%.
I'm curious what the number of the new R240 model will be in this situation.


Mine has always displayed 120. Also as new.
But once or twice 131.

Could this indicate some fault?

Joseph Santaniello

If I do a regular reset of the odometer with my R240, it shows 135 as the default range.


I remembered wrong.
In the winter it usually stated 120 - now last 2-3 months it says 133.
ZOE 2014 12.000 km.

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