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Sv: Discover Pro versjonsforvirring....

Startet av HarmOtten, onsdag 21. januar 2015, klokken 20:15

« forrige - neste »


Hi, I'm from the Netherlands, and I also own a Renault Zoe, with full satisfaction. I already traveled to several countries, and used a mobile charger in places that do not have a public charger yet.
It is a similar charger like this one:

See also:

Does anyone know if this charger can be used without problems in Norway?

I am asking this, because I read you need a special transformer to be able to charge at home.


Many thanks!


Yes it can be used where you find this red sockets. This is used on the TN voltage system, this is about 30% of Norwegian system. The rest is mainly IT system, this uses blue sockets for 3-phase, on this system you can not use your device.
Zoe 43kW


Thanks very much!!  :D

Now I only need to find out where I can find CEE5 plugs, preferably 64A or 32A size.
Especially in the northern part of Norway.

If anyone can help me finding some, I would appreciate very much :).


Industrial areas, and new residensial areas have TN net. You Will also find charging stations with 43 kW AC outlet, but theese cost a fortune to use.


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You can use the Tesla map:

If you check the «Industrikontact rød» (that is Industrial read 16 and 32A). However as you see it is few generally available, some additional at industrial plants (not easy to find).

You can also use the «Type 2 kontakt med ladeeffekt fra 20 kW» That is the public Type 2 EVSE. If you click the point it might say:

Fortum hurtigladestasjon Kiwi Øyer
Kongsvegen 4, 2636 Øyer
Ant ladepunkt: 3
Fordeling:  1 CHAdeMO (Hurtig DC). 1 Combo (Hurtig DC). 1 Type 2 (Hurtig AC).
Makstid:    Nei     Sted:  Kjøpesenter   
Åpen24t:   Ja             Tilgang: Betaling
Tilgjengelighet:    Offentlig
Tilgang med SMS eller bruk av Fortums ladekort. Betaling utover de første 20 minutter.

A google translation of this is:
Ant charging point: 3
distribution: 1 CHAdeMO (Quick DC). 1 Combo (Quick DC). 1 Type 2 (Quick AC).
Max time:    No    location  : Shopping
Åpen24t     Yes       access:     payment
Availability:   public 
Access by SMS or use of Fortum recharge cards. Payment beyond the first 20 minutes.
(Do not translate the address, Ant is short for Antall = number of, Åpen24t = Open 24h )

Other, you wil find, are not in combination with  CHAdeMO and/or Combo, those are often with free charging.

Next alternative is the "Type 2 kontakt med ladeeffekt 7-11 kW "
That means: TN distribution and can be used for ZOE or IT distribution, not for ZOE but for all other EVs.

If it for example say:
Energihuset Gjøvik
Merkantilvegen 2, 2815
Ant ladepunkt: 3
Fordeling: 1 Type 2+vanlig (400V 3-phase max 16A). 2 Vanlig (Normal 16A).
Makstid: Nei Sted:Gateplan
Åpen24t: Ja
Tilgang: Ladenøkkel     Tilgjengelighet:  Offentlig

Ladeplassene er i utgangspunktet for Eidsiva sine elbiler, men er tilgjengelige for alle når de ikke er i bruk.
Ant charging point: 3
Distribution: 1 Type 2 + normal (400V 3-phase 16A max). 2 Regular (Normal 16A).
Max time: No               Location: Street Plan
Åpen24t: Yes
Access: Charging Key            Availability: Public

Charging Places are basically Eidsiva their EVs, but are available to anyone when they are not in use.
As it say: 400V, You can use it.
In general; If it say: "11 kW" or "400V" it can be used, if it doesn't; normally not.

Charging Key you might get one if you get in touch with "Norsk Elbilforening"

You can also use the android app:
also available at app store
Hyundai Ionic.
Tidliger mange år i PSA klasiker.


Thanks very much Griffel! This helps a lot  :)


If you find an industrial building lika shopping mall etc, with a mail power box, almost always a gray unit, with the mark 400v in red, then you also can use the original 10a cord that comes with the car on any outlet at that building. It means it has a 400v net with TN on any socket, also the 230V outlets :)
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