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Startet av think123, fredag 13. februar 2015, klokken 16:17

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Hei Folkens,

My Think 2001 stopped charging at 96%, and says "System Error, service required". It will start and drive, but it now no longer charges, despite the charge light blinking as normal when plugged in.

Is there someone in the Oslo area with the equipment that can help to read the error messages?

I'm guessing that there is some damage to the battery, the car has had very high standby power drain in the cold winter, which has lead to some unfortunate near-zero SOC driving....


Most likely a isolation fault due to a burned battery.

You may have luck if this happened shortly after water service ( Which I sume you know must be di\one twice as often as car indicates ore at 3000 km intervalls ).

Try to clean inside the 3 rubber tubes under car under passanger sitting area using a cotton swab.

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Daglig leder i


Thanks elektrolux, I will investigate that asap. Water service was approx 300km ago. If cleaning that out is somehow successful, will the error clear itself and charging start?

Presuming I get back on track, sign me up for your reprogramming I've been reading about next time you're in Oslo!

Thanks once again. Also ff anyone else in Oslo can also still help with reading the error message, that would be most appreciated!


Remind me later..........
Toppåsveien, rett ved Kolbotn


Thanks Casper, would be great if you could help read the error! send you a PM..  :)

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