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Sv: S85D kjøpere, status på bestilling + diverse info

Startet av emagic, lørdag 31. januar 2015, klokken 21:49

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Her fortelles det om en som etter sigende kjøpte en lite skadet Tesla fra en forsikringssak, men som det viste seg at Tesla "nullet" remote?   Er det noen som har lest mer om den historien er korrekt?

Er ikke dette isåfall litt merkverdig?



Så rotete og usammenhengende som denne artikkelen var, så er det vel merkverdig om noen får noe som helst ut av den.
P85, Sølv.
Mottatt 25.11.13


Bilen har en mekanisk "Kill-switch" som kople batteriet vekk fra resten av systemet ved en ulykke. Det trengs spesialverktøy for å nullstille dette.

Mer info, inkludert dokumentet Tesla ber eieren om å underskrive finner du på denne linken

Her er kortversjon, inkl hva Tesla skriver :
When Rutman approached Tesla to ask for his car to be reactivated — presumably after the drivetrain was disabled as part of the accident– Rutman was told he'd need to give Tesla final say on the repair and roadworthiness of the car.
Rutman declined and then approached his local Television station, claiming Tesla was treating him unfairly.
Every story has two sides. Since Rutman's story has aired on his local Television channel, Tesla has released an official statement on the story, detailing Tesla's position on the story and reiterating that its first duty is to vehicular safety.
Safety is Tesla's top priority and it is a principle on which we refuse to compromise under any circumstance. Mr. Rutman purchased a vehicle on the salvage market that had been substantially damaged in a serious accident.
We have strong concerns about this car being safe for the road, but we have been prevented from inspecting the vehicle because Mr. Rutman refused to sign an inspection authorization form. That form clearly states that in order for us to support the vehicle on an ongoing basis, we need to ensure the repairs meet minimum safety standards.
Regardless of whether or not the car passed inspection, Mr. Rutman would have been free to decide where to conduct any additional repairs and to leave with his vehicle. There was never any threat to take away his vehicle at the inspection or any time thereafter and there is nothing in the authorization form that states or implies that we would do so.
Additionally, Mr. Rutman opted to have his vehicle repaired by a non-Tesla affiliated facility. We work with a network of authorized independent repair facilities to ensure our safety standards are met. It is also worth noting that Mr. Rutman is not on any "blacklist" for purchasing Tesla parts.
While we do sell certain parts over the counter, we do not sell any parts that require specific training to install. This is a policy that is common among automakers and it is in place to protect customers from the risk of repairs not meeting our safety standards.
Model X 90D: Black Obsidian, 6 seter sort, Premium pakke. Autopilot1. Levert 18 dager etter bestilling :)
Solgt: Tesla Model S P85+. Brun med alt.

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