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Sv: Behandling av karbonfiber

Startet av Amoss, tirsdag 02. desember 2014, klokken 11:19

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SitatFacts and figures from the Tesla Factory's two-week retooling period

    65,000 Tesla man-hours
    342 contractors
    1 mile of work pitches added
    10 of the largest robots in the world installed
    72 miles of ethernet cable used
    12,000 gallons of paint
    50 tons of material recycled
    200,000 square feet of epoxy flooring
"Your Model 3 was reserved on 31/03/2016."
ReservationId 364902


"Tesla's pace of vehicle production has always been intense, but it has long been obvious that we would have to scale up quickly. Last year, we produced more than 22,000 cars; this year we're on track to build about 35,000. By the end of 2015, we will have increased production by another 50 percent. With Model X on the horizon, Dual Motor Model S now in production, and increasing global demand, we recently decided to temporarily pause production in order to increase capacity at the Tesla Factory in Fremont, California."
Model X90D - Mottatt 20.09.2016

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