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Sv: Sterling hybrid

Startet av KingDWS, onsdag 12. november 2008, klokken 16:31

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I just thought I would say hello to the forum. I was told to post in English as everyone can understand that. I have a very limited (none at all) ability to read Norwegian and have to use a translator. I am located in British Columbia Canada (Pacific coast) which looks remarkably like the pictures I have seen of Norway.

I am in the process of buying a 1993 Kewet. I have been trying to find as much technical information on the Kewet  as it will be a bit far to get serviced at Kewet. The Kewet I am buying was modified to 96 volts with a 8 inch ADC motor. I need to repair some body work and the motor/controller. I am considering going to a low voltage AC motor. I am not sure yet but it looks like I can buy the ac motor and controller at a cost close to the dc motor and controller.

If you know of any website that have good information for the Kewet please let me know.


Kelowna BC

Moderator: changed the topic to something more informative


Hi and welcome.
I have some web sites for you, I assume that you prefer them in English.

But you will find this nice even if its in danish it contains drawings and lots of info

This link is for the produser of kewet Buddy and has an English version.
Buddy 2006 solgt
I-MIEV 2011 solgt
Ford Focus 2013 solgt
Zoe 2019


Welcome, nice to have a Kewet owner from abroad on the forum.

This is the website from one of our members, it contains quite some useful information:

Polestar i bestilling

El rayo

Hi, Dave,

welcome to the forum. In case you are not familiar with EValbum, there are some Kewets registered there

As yours is modified with higher voltage, the charger, DC/DC converter, motor and motor controller are not original. Parts like chock absorbers, brake discs and pads, parking brake cables and so on are still available from the factory email: post<at>

The drive shaft U-joints were a weak point on the early Kewets. They have probably been upgraded on your car along with the new motor and thus no longer original.

Check the oil level in the differential/transmission prior to driving. A slight sweating is normal on the early trans, but beware of drips. 15 years of dripping have probably drained the case completely. There is a combination filler/level plug on the side of the differential case. Use 75/75W synthetic transmission oil.

If I remember correctly used to import Kewet to the US.

Kewet is very easy to maintain and work on.
Oslo, kjørt 2000 Th!nk "El Rayo" siden juni 2003, nikometer siden april 2009
kjøpt på 9.500 km, kjørt tilsammen 60.000 km. Fremdeles med originalt batteri,1946.0.html

2000 Th!nk delebil "Blu", som skal på veien igjen
EL-ma Classic elassistert sykkel


Thank you for the links, there were a couple I had not seen before. One of the problems with our search engines is that they tend not to search European websites very well.

The car I am buying was converted to the higher voltage and then was purchased by another fellow who was using the upgraded parts. So I have the option of reassembling the car to the stock voltage
or taking the opportunity to upgrade it. Here in Kelowna it is fairly flat with a few hilly sections. The city is in a valley bottom with mountains all around. For most of my driving I am sure a stock set up would be enough but there are a few places where if I could manage 80kph for 5-10 miles it would mean very few restrictions on where I can go. This is one of the things I hope you an help with by telling me how the car behaves when driving and so on.

I'm happy to finally be able to post here and for my first official dumb question....

What is a Knerten?  ;D




"Knerten" is just a nickname for the car, translated it means "Tiny" i.e ;D


LOL OK that is different than what I thought it was.

My translator says it means 'crunch' in Dutch and 'nip' in Norwegian.
While it usually works it does come up with some rather interesting
results. Technical pages usually have the real strange results.

If nothing else now I know what to put on my licence plate  :D



Hi Dave.
It is at least impossible to find ONE translation for the name "Knerten".
Anyway it is something small:
A (small) drink containing alcohol.
It is a little doll made from a branch or root in a Norwegian book for children. "Lillebror og Knerten" written by Anne Cath Westly:

The name  KEWET is made from the initials to Knud Erik Westergård, (KEW high pressure washer) and E(lectric) T(ransport).

Oslo. 300.000 kilometer med Think, Kewet og annet.  -Sølvreven, 100 km/time med Kewet.  -Isbjønn, Kewet, første elbil på 80 grader nord? Har blitt kjørt på  Svalbard. "Hoppetussa" Subaru van 4-hjulsdrift ombygget med jetflystarter til eldrift.  94.000 kilometer på Think-originalpakken. Nå 19 luftkjølte blokker fra '95. Think Traveler elassistert sykkel. og


Sitat fra: KingDWS på fredag 31. oktober 2008, klokken 06:08
LOL OK that is different than what I thought it was.

My translator says it means 'crunch' in Dutch and 'nip' in Norwegian.
While it usually works it does come up with some rather interesting
results. Technical pages usually have the real strange results.

If nothing else now I know what to put on my licence plate  :D


I'm sorry to say that I haven't seen this thread before now, and as the original owner of "Knerten", I might have an explanation for you: My oldest daughter, Ada, at the time 9 years old,  came up with the name when she "inspected" the car for the first time. The name kind of suited the car, so it stuck... Knerten's replacement, a P106, has been named "Dorsken", meaning "The lazy one", which unforuntaly also suits the car...

;-D Hans
Oslo: Kewet5 ("Knerten") 1999-2007 (85k km) == P106E ("Dorsken") 2007-2009 (25k km) == Think Classic ("Tupper") 2009-2012 (ca 40k km) == P iOn ("LilleSvarten") 28/3-2012-29/5-2019 (60k km) == TM3DLR ("Justin E") 8/3-2019- (6500 km)

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