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Sv: Elbilistenes hurtigladerlag?

Startet av Trustno1, mandag 12. januar 2015, klokken 15:28

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Jeg har ett par ganger opplevd at ladingen av bilen stopper før den når grensen som har blitt satt.

Flere som har opplevd dette? Jeg sendte inn følgende feilmelding til Tesla som jeg venter svar på:

I have a charging issue to report for my P85, Pxxxxx
Two times now it has happened that my charging has stopped before it reached the charging limit.

When I try to restart the charging through the app, it wont start. I had to disconnect my charger, then reconnect it. When I do this, the charging works again. I am using a Keba Type 2 charging station with 32A 1phase on an IT power grid.

I dont have data when this happened the first time, but I have logged the following through VisibleTesla for my last issue:

00:25, 21.12.2014: Connected power, charged to 75%, No issues
14:40, 22.12.2014: Took a small trip
16:10, 22.12.2014: Returned and connected the charger, set for 75%
17:50, 22.12.2014: Charging stopped at 66% for an unknown reason, I did not know this at the time.
05:30, 23.12.2014: VisibleTesla started a scheduled charge to 90%, this did not start correctly, the charge remained on about 65%
13:45, 23.12.2014: I went for another trip, this is when I discovered that the charging had not started, and I could not start it through the app either. When I disconnected the charging cable, then reconnected it, it would charge correctly.
15:35, 23.12.2014: I have just returned from my last trip, and this is the moment I'm writing this, and charging seems to work correctly so far. (currently charging to 75%)

Hope this log is sufficiant to identify what caused my charging to stop at  17:40, 22.12.204

This have not caused me any big trouble so far, but I would like my charging to be reliable in the future so I would not risk having a low SoC when I need it.




Sitat fra: Trustno1 på tirsdag 23. desember 2014, klokken 15:53
Jeg har ett par ganger opplevd at ladingen av bilen stopper før den når grensen som har blitt satt.

Flere som har opplevd dette? Jeg sendte inn følgende feilmelding til Tesla som jeg venter svar på:

I have a charging issue to report for my P85, Pxxxxx
Two times now it has happened that my charging has stopped before it reached the charging limit.

When I try to restart the charging through the app, it wont start. I had to disconnect my charger, then reconnect it. When I do this, the charging works again. I am using a Keba Type 2 charging station with 32A 1phase on an IT power grid.

I dont have data when this happened the first time, but I have logged the following through VisibleTesla for my last issue:

00:25, 21.12.2014: Connected power, charged to 75%, No issues
14:40, 22.12.2014: Took a small trip
16:10, 22.12.2014: Returned and connected the charger, set for 75%
17:50, 22.12.2014: Charging stopped at 66% for an unknown reason, I did not know this at the time.
05:30, 23.12.2014: VisibleTesla started a scheduled charge to 90%, this did not start correctly, the charge remained on about 65%
13:45, 23.12.2014: I went for another trip, this is when I discovered that the charging had not started, and I could not start it through the app either. When I disconnected the charging cable, then reconnected it, it would charge correctly.
15:35, 23.12.2014: I have just returned from my last trip, and this is the moment I'm writing this, and charging seems to work correctly so far. (currently charging to 75%)

Hope this log is sufficiant to identify what caused my charging to stop at  17:40, 22.12.204

This have not caused me any big trouble so far, but I would like my charging to be reliable in the future so I would not risk having a low SoC when I need it.



Har skjedd meg mange ganger på jobben. Ladingen stopper, men tror det skjer når flere biler kobler seg til lading på samme kurs. De har lagt opp tre punkter på en 400v hvor de da tar ut mellom hver fase og N slik at de får tre pukter på en kurs. Vet ikke om dette er helt innafor?
Bilen og kabelen gir forskjellige feilmeldinger, som unable to charge, og kladde gir forskjellige kombinasjoner av røde blink, eller at alt bare ser normalt ut når jeg kommer til bilen bortsett fra at den ikke lader...
S85 grå - bekreftet 07.04.14 - levering 30.06.14


Tror nok ikke dette er samme utfordring jeg har. Jeg lader på en Type2 boks med 1fase 32A (IT-nett) som er dedikert til ladestasjonen. Har ikke hatt noen problemer med at sikringen har gått.

Eneste jeg kan tenke meg som kan forårsake problemer hos meg er at jeg noen ganger har dårlig innspenning til anlegget mitt. Har noen ganger sett verdier ned mot 200V

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