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Sv: Når får vi bilene våre ?

Startet av Markus, torsdag 09. januar 2014, klokken 23:27

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I am from Germany and drive for about a year a Saxo Electrique (built in 2001).

I have the following problem. Perhaps this problem has already occurred once or known. Maybe someone can give me some advice :

I can not completely fully charge the Saxo at a normal charge !
In an equalizing charge he is full to over 100 %.
But (the following) normal charges are canceled at 95 % or 90 % or 80 %. I do not reach the 100 % full charge . In recent charges ( from empty) only 11 kw were drawn. Total voltage (only !?) max. 150-154 volts just before termination of the charge. I do not reach 160 Volt or higher.

Have the following voltage values ​​at one of the normal charges measured with diagnostic equipment:

Start with 12 % and about 127 volts
14% 130 V ( 19.5 Amp )
23% 136 V ( 19.5 Amp )
44% 141 V ( 19.5 Amp )
54% 144 V ( 19.5 Amp )
73 % 153 V ( 20.5 Amp )
78 % 148 V ( 6.5 Amp )
79 % 150 V (6.5 Amp )
Display suddenly shows changing from 6.5 Amp to 4.5 Amp and back to (duration only 1-2 sec )
80 % 150 V (6.5 Amp )
then charged with 80% of a few minutes, then
142 V ( 0 amps ) (approximately 1-2 seconds ) , then loads but further
145 V ( 6.5 Amp )
147,148,150 V ( 6.5 Amp )
then again a short exchange between 6.5 Amp and 4.5 Amp ( seconds) , then
143 V ( 0 amps ), but invites further back
145 V , 147 V ( 6.5 Amp )
149 V ( 6.5 Amp )
81 % 150 V (6.5 Amp )
then again , the display changes between 6.5 Amp and 4.5 Amp ( Duration: second) , shortly after
141 V ( 0 amps ) END at 81 %. !!!

temperature according to diagnostic equipment +8 to +14 degrees during charge.
outdoor temperature is currently around 0 or +1 degrees.

sagembox has already been replaced 4 months ago; it is practically new.

some broken cells ?
the software needs to be re-recorded ?



If you have diagnostic equipment drive the car to a low SOC, and reprogram ECU. Then complete an initial charge.

Also check how many Ahr since last water service.

Had a similar problem on a 2005 battery, and reason was battery triggered phase 2 charging too early due to prematurly increasing voltage during charging. Capasity was there, but did not help when cahrger stopet to early.

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300 Ahr since last water service - when the counter is correct. :-\
the last water service made ​​of the seller, at about 3000 km done. but I know not 100% sure. thats the problem. Have since driven 3000 km. So water service should (normally) not yet be ready. mileage of the saxo is 6000 km.

I have unfortunately not the Citroen Lexia (?) diganostic equipment or similar. Only a very simple one.

"and reprogram ECU. Then complete an initial charge."

what will actually be reprogrammed with the special diagnostic device? And how ?

I have to fill up water after this charge?

there are different software releases ?

would you first check the batteries individually ?

(My sagem box is Y1000)


added question:

is the initial charge always necessary after reprogramming?

must these initial charge be made complete? 15 hours so far as I know

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