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Meldinger - ellertdriver

Tidlige: Buddy / Kewet / Sv: Kewet Spare Parts
tirsdag 16. desember 2008, klokken 22:43

Thanks for the information

We use second Hand chargers from Telecom power supplies, the have charging currents between 30 and 60 amps at 48V battery systems and can be connectet in series and parallel

These charger are for 48V lead acid batteries but mostly the can be adapted for the higherCharging voltage for the Nicd batteries

For trips we use a 20 Amp and a 40Amp Chargeer so that we can charge on sockets with 6, 10 or 16 Amp fuses.

The chargers have a weight between 3 and 11 kg


Tidlige: Buddy / Kewet / Kewet Spare Parts
søndag 14. desember 2008, klokken 21:09

Im A ellert and a Kewet Driver from Germany, we have great difficulties to get any spare parts for the car.

At the Moment we are searching a Car controller for the Kewet 5 and a Display for this car.

Can anyone help me to get in contact with a dealer, it seems that the manfacturer has no interest to sells parts to germany.

There are many Kewet owners in Germany woh want to keep the cars alive.

We ar planning to drive from Germany to the Nordkapp next Year with some ellerts and we need charging points in norway. We all use high power chargers and Nicd batteries that give a range of about 100km on flat surface.

For recharging in 90 minutes we need a 16 Amp fused socket for each car or a 3 phase connector with at least 16 Amps.

Is there a charging net in norway like in Germany or in denmark.

I would be glad if anyone can help us.

The link to the German charging net is :
If neccessary I can translate it into Englisch.

Best Regards


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